A Teen Vogue senior staffer, who derailed Alexi McCammond’s hiring as editor-in-chief over racist tweets she wrote as a teenager, has found herself in hot water after it was revealed she had old tweets using the N-word. 

Earlier this month, Christine Davitt, a senior social media manager at Teen Vogue, made public a letter by company staff complaining about McCammond’s hiring “in light of her past racist and homophobic tweets.” As the New York Times explained, McCammond’s tweets “included comments on the appearance of Asian features, derogatory stereotypes about Asians and slurs for gay people.” 

Just hours after McCammond announced her resignation saying that the tweets she made as a 17-year-old college student “have overshadowed” her work — Davitt wrote on Twitter, “[Exhales the deepest sigh I’ve ever sighed],” according to Fox News.

Now, Davitt is facing calls for her to resign or be fired. With the pitchfork mob now at her doorstep, Davitt made her Twitter account private.

Davitt, who is of mixed Irish and Filipino descent, at least twice referred to a friend, who, according to FOX, appears to be white, as a “ni–a” in 2009, and the following year also used the word “ni–a” in a joke tweet.

Even though Teen Vogue hasn’t fired Davitt (yet), the publication took a stance on the matter back in 2019 in a story titled, “Stop Using the N-Word If You’re Not Black.” “One thing that shouldn’t be up for dispute is who gets to use it. And if you ain’t Black, that ain’t you,” the article states.

McCammond apologized and deleted her own tweets when they initially came to light in 2019, and again begged for forgiveness after she was announced for the top job she never got to start. 

People who don’t usually read Teen Vogue may be surprised to know that fashion, celebrities, makeup, and gossip are secondary to Teen Vogue’s political posturing. The magazine is replete with stories like, “4 Key Ways to Build Strong Social Justice Movements,” and use celebrities and trends to radicalize American youth, with articles like “Lizzo and Senator Kamala Harris Talked About the Importance of Voting.” Other headlines from the gossip magazine include “Climate Change Deniers Are Embracing QAnon to Gain Followers,” “New York’s Summer of Beautiful Anarchy,” and “Ronald Reagan Sucked, Actually.” 

Teen Vogue had no choice but to fire McCammond because they have branded themselves as the wokest of the woke among women’s magazines and hired a cadre of “journalists” (aka social justice scolds) more interested in activism than fashion. 

Davitt clearly thought that checking all the intersectionality boxes and identifying as a “queer fat filipinx femme in brooklyn” (as her Instagram bio says) would protect her from her vindictive colleagues. She threw her potential future boss Alexi McCammond under the bus to score points with her radical friends.

Unfortunately, the mob has a zero-forgiveness policy and Davitt found herself the next victim of cancel culture. The radical left eats everyone, including their own. 

Source: The Federalist

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