A “Biden cover-up” is underway on China’s role in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Wednesday. 

“Mainstream media and other outlets are now starting to say that it is plausible, but the headlines almost a year ago, when the president was talking about this, the Washington Post came out and said, oh, it was debunked,” Meadows said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “Now they’re having to change that.”

There was “always a rush” with some media in assuming that then-President Donald Trump was not correct with his assessments on the pandemic along with other statements, Meadows added. 

“I can tell you President Trump was right when he said that people were spying on his campaign,” said Meadows, adding that it is not a surprise that there is now an international group that says it won’t look any further into the coronavirus outbreak. 

“Joe Biden is not going to hold China accountable, sadly,” said Meadows. 

Biden last week ordered the U.S. intelligence community to redouble its efforts in determining whether the coronavirus was accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan, China, or if its origins were natural.

Intelligence officials earlier this year released a report saying they were divided in their conclusions.

The president also promised that the United States will “keep working with like-minded partners around the world to press China to participate in a full, transparent, evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence.”

Meadows, however, said that there is no need to wait 90 days to finalize the report and get it to members of Congress.

“What we can do is go ahead and have that briefing next week,” Meadows said, as the intelligence community can tell the House and Senate what it already knows and doesn’t know about the outbreak. 

He also pointed out that under the Trump administration, “we withdrew from the World Health Organization.” 

“We said that no more American taxpayer dollars are going to a group that is not willing to actually look at this in a transparent way,” Meadows said.

He also said that as there is always the possibility of future pandemics, the White House must make sure the United States has open access to information from places like China. 

“China was saying you can’t come in and look while they were protecting their own citizens,” said Meadows. “We need to make sure we put that protocol in play.”

Source: Newmax

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