Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during a news conference at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

The Biden administration has warned Americans to keep an eye out for any radicalized friends or family members. During a background press call on Monday night, a senior Biden administration official told participants they must raise concerns and seek help for friends, family members or coworkers who they believe may radicalize toward violence.

The official compared this approach to the 2011 Department of Homeland Security “see something say something” campaign to combat Islamic terrorism.

The DHS released a video for the 2011 campaign that said, “Homeland security starts with home town security and we all have a role to play. Working together, we can all help secure our country. If you see something, say something.”

The revival of this anti-terrorism campaign by team Biden rose after the January 6 Capitol breach, which FBI Director Chris Wray referred to as “domestic terrorism” to Congress.

“I was appalled that you, our country’s elected leaders, were victimized right here in these very halls,” he asserted. “That attack, that siege was criminal behavior, plain and simple, and it’s behavior that we the FBI view as domestic terrorism.”

The administration official speaking on the call begged citizens to participate in this family and friend search for radicalism as the FBI believes the nation’s biggest domestic terrorism threat comes from white supremacists.

Biden and the DHS plan to work with big tech companies and demand they increase information sharing and properly address violent looking threats online. The official vowed it has nothing to do with politics and that it’s only about ensuring homeland security.

Source: One America News Network

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