On his nightly TV show, Comedian Stephen Colbert on Wednesday mocked President Joe Biden for lashing out at a CNN reporter during a press conference following Biden’s Summit in Switzerland with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Biden snapped at Kaitlan Collins after she asked him why he was “confident” the Russian leader would alter his behavior following their meeting in Geneva. Biden, who was trying to walk away after taking a few questions from the media, whirled around and said to the reporter, “I’m not confident he’ll change his behavior. What in the hell, what do you do all the time?”

Collins tried to talk, but Biden cut her off, held up a finger, and said, “When did I say I was confident? Let’s get this straight. I said what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and diminishes their standing in the world. I’m not confident of anything. I’m just stating a fact.”

The reporter then said: “But given his past behavior has not changed, and in that press conference after sitting down with you for several hours, [Putin] denied any involvement in cyber-attacks, he downplayed human rights abuses, he even refused to say [Russian dissident] Alexei Navalny’s name. So, how does that account to a constructive meeting?”

“If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business,” Biden said and then turned and left.

Colbert had a field day with the exchange, saying Biden exhibited some “strong ‘Grandpa’s had it with your lip’ energy.”

Morphing into a Biden impression, Colbert peeled off his jacket and shouted at an imaginary reporter to “Watch it, Mister!”

“Knock it off with the grab-a** and the horseplay. This isn’t a dog-and-pony show. Were you born in a barn? If you were, grab a pail and start milking the cows because they’re coming home to roost, Little Boy Blue! I fought in Korea!”

Biden later apologized for his outburst. Before leaving Switzerland on Air Force One, Biden told a group of reporters that he owed Collins “an apology.”

“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave,” Biden said. But he also criticized the media. “To be a good reporter, you got to be negative, that you got to have a negative view of life, it seems to me,” Biden said.

Meanwhile, another CNN correspondent, Jeff Zeleny, said he never seen a president “so protected by his aides,” who often cut off questioning by reporters and demand they leave.

“What we have not seen him do is answer questions like that without his aides screaming at him to stop. I have never seen a president, covering the last four of them, who is so protected by his aides in terms of not wanting him to answer some questions. They were silent today because he had a job to do. He recognized that.”

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Source: Dailywire

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