When Donald Trump had the Yemeni Shi’ite Houthis, a client group of the Islamic Republic of Iran, designated as foreign terrorists, the Leftist political and media establishment was (as always regarding anything and everything Trump did) outraged. No fewer than twenty-two aid groups that were operating in Yemen demanded that the designation be revoked “immediately,” and when his handlers gained control of the presidency of the United States, Old Joe Biden did just that. But in this case as in so many others, Trump turns out to have been right again. If any group deserves to be considered foreign terrorists, it’s the Houthis.

In May, the U.S. Navy seized thousands of assault weapons, machine guns, and sniper rifles from a ship that appeared to have been heading to Yemen to aid the Houthis. Those were likely intended to be used against Saudi Arabia, but two weeks after Biden’s handlers revoked the terror designation, Yemeni political analyst Salim Al-Muntaser made it clear that the Houthis (who call themselves Ansar Allah, or Helpers of Allah) had another goal in mind as well: the end of the American presence in the Middle East. Al-Muntaser boasted that “Ansar Allah’s strikes have worn Saudi Arabia down, and have turned their American weapons into scrap metal. The advanced American Patriot missiles cannot intercept drones and ballistic missiles that are considered primitive. Therefore, there is no longer any significance to American presence in the Middle East. Soon we will witness a complete American withdrawal.”

This would, he said, lead to the destruction of Israel: “After that, there is no doubt that the Zionist entity will not be strong enough to face the resistance axis. I will not be surprised, and I expect that missiles will be launched from Saada and Sanaa in Yemen towards the so-called ‘Tel-Aviv’ and the Zionist entity will be destroyed.” Turning his attention to the Houthis’ patrons in Tehran, he added: “The Islamic Republic does not need the nuclear agreement. It does not need to sit at the negotiating table. It is the Americans and the Zionists who needs this. They are terrified by the thought that the Islamic Republic would produce nuclear weapons and exterminate the Zionist entity.”

There may be very good reasons for the U.S. to reduce its presence in the Middle East, and for our new woke military to give up both Wilsonian adventurism in the Islamic world and social engineering among the troops, and concentrate instead on actually defending the United States. However, Al-Muntaser made it clear that the Houthis were an entity that is hostile to the United States. For Old Joe’s bosses to take them off the foreign terrorist list was just as wrongheaded as their relentless appeasement of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and, in fact, was another manifestation of that appeasement.

The Houthis demonstrated once again that they belong on the terrorist list in a ghastly video that the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) just published. On June 12, the Houthis’ Al-Eman TV featured an Islamic scholar, Dr. Ahmad Al-Shami, filling a room full of children with hatred for the United States: “The scam of 9/11,” he said, “was a theatrical show produced by the Jews and the Americans. They killed a group of their own people so that they could have a pretext. They would be able to say: Since you Muslims killed our people, we will take revenge and occupy you. In order to orchestrate this, they molded public opinion into believing that ‘you killed us and this justified our occupation of all the Arab and Islamic nations, and destroying their infrastructure and resources.’ All of this is done under the pretext of fighting terrorism, which ‘emerged from your midst of Muslims and Arabs.’”

After running through a litany of supposed American crimes, Al-Shami declared: “When we say ‘Death to America,’ it means life for all the nations that America is killing. When we say ‘Death to Israel,’ it means life for all the people, around the world, in whose killing and corruption Israel is taking part.”

The students, having learned their lessons well, then began chanting “Allahu akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse be upon the Jews! Victory to Islam!”

Well, that’s wholesome. Good thing Old Joe took the Houthis off the terror list, eh? A deep State wonk said at the time: “Our action is due entirely to the humanitarian consequences of this last-minute designation from the prior administration, which the United Nations and humanitarian organizations have since made clear would accelerate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.” So now that humanitarian aid, paid for by your taxpayer dollars, can flow to these adorable kids screaming “Death to America!” Hearing them, you might almost get the idea you’re in Portland.

Source: PJ Media

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