Larry Sanger, who co-founded Wikipedia in 2001, says that the free online encyclopedia has become “more one-sided than ever” and is dominated by liberal sources in such a way that makes it “an opponent of vigorous democracy.”

“Wikipedia openly repudiates neutrality, and therefore it is shamelessly hypocritical in how it continues to pay lip service to its “neutral point of view” policy,’” Sanger wrote on his website last week. “A lot of mainstream news stories are broken only in Fox News, the Daily Mail, and the New York Post—all of which are banned from use as sources by Wikipedia.”

“In short, and with few exceptions, only globalist, progressive mainstream sources — and sources friendly to globalist progressivism — are permitted,” he explained.

Sanger cited four highly contentious issues in U.S. politics last year, all of which exposed Wikipedia’s blatant left-wing bias: Trump’s impeachments, Biden’s scandals, the antifa/BLM riots, and alleged election irregularities. Sanger noted that with regard to Trump’s impeachments, “The articles are so biased, in fact, that it is fair to call them ‘propaganda.’”

Articles on Biden’s scandals, on the other hand, don’t simply present allegations against Biden and offer his side’s defense. Rather, the articles all take a dismissive attitude towards the allegations made against him, including the claim that Joe Biden urged the Ukrainian government to fire prosecutor general Viktor Shokin for investigating Burisma Holdings—where his son Hunter sat on the board—even though there is video evidence of Biden bragging about getting Shokin fired. The video, of course, is not mentioned in the article.

And so on.

“It is not too far to say that Wikipedia, like many other deeply biased institutions of our brave new digital world, has made itself into a kind of thought police that has de facto shackled conservative viewpoints with which they disagree,” Sanger added. “Democracy cannot thrive under such conditions: I maintain that Wikipedia has become an opponent of vigorous democracy.”

“If society’s main information sources march in ideological lockstep, they make a mockery of democracy. Then the wealthy and powerful need only gain control of the few approved organs of acceptable thought; then they will be able to manipulate and ultimately control all important political dialogue,” Sanger warned.

Source: PJ Media

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