In a letter to Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, over 30 Iranians who oppose the despotic, theocratic Islamic government of Iran urged Bennet to target the regime with “increased decisiveness.”

The group, which includes political prisoners, artists, athletes, lawyers, journalists, and medical professionals slammed the Iranian regime’s “promotion of international terrorism,” as well as its creation of “poverty, economic bankruptcy, suppression, and a myriad of social problems for the people of Iran.”

The group added, “The regime that massacres Iranian protesters in streets across our country is the head of the octopus whose tentacles are the terrorists who extend insecurity to the state of Israel and other nations in our region.”

They requested “that you support the Iranian people with anti-filtering and anti-censorship technology,” and concluded, “We await the day when the two ancient nations of Iran and Israel, under the auspices of the Cyrus Accords, establish serious political, cultural, economic, and technological relations and we believe that day is closer than ever.”

Full text of letter below:

For more than four decades, threatening the existence of the state of Israel and hatred of the Jewish people has been an inseparable component of the Islamic Republic’s rule. In addition to its promotion of international terrorism, the regime has produced nothing but poverty, economic bankruptcy, suppression, and a myriad of social problems for the people of Iran. Iranians, specifically in the past several years, have come to the streets multiple times and bravely protested the Islamic Republic — protests that were suppressed in the most ruthless manner possible. For these reasons, both the prosperity and democratic future of Iranians and the safety of Israeli citizens and the Jewish people require the overthrow of this ideological and medieval regime that is on the cuff of acquiring a nuclear bomb.

We, the undersigned, in addition to congratulating you on your election to the post of Prime Minister of the State of Israel, request that you continue your nation’s correct policy of the past several years of weakening the terrorist forces of this regime, especially the IRGC, with increased decisiveness. The regime that massacres Iranian protesters in streets across our country is the head of the octopus whose tentacles are the terrorists who extend insecurity to the state of Israel and other nations in our region. To that end, we request that you decisively and comprehensively support the protests of the varying, but united, groups of the Iranian people bravely fighting to take charge of their own destiny through a democratic government, which will reestablish peaceful relations with its neighbors and the international community. We also request that you support the Iranian people with anti-filtering and anti-censorship technology.

The Iranian people have consistently and clearly expressed their opposition to the regime’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic policies. We believe that a democratic Iran, supported by its rich culture and history, will be a strategic ally of Israel and a productive member of the international community in establishing peace and stability, specifically in the Middle East. We await the day when the two ancient nations of Iran and Israel, under the auspices of the Cyrus Accords, establish serious political, cultural, economic, and technological relations and we believe that day is closer than ever.

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Source: Dailywire

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