Matt Gaetz is fired up and he has every reason to be. Recently, Britney Spears took the stand and told the world what she’s been suffering under a forced conservatorship. The conservatorship has taken her freedom, enforced her sterility, denied her a marriage, and even restricted her freedom to see her own children. The country is waking up to the reality of guardianship and how terrifying it is that a judge can just strip all of your human rights away.

A crowd had gathered to celebrate Spears’ legal victory in being allowed to hire her own lawyer instead of having a court-appointed lawyer. Gaetz stood up to the microphone and told the crowd that America has a big problem and it’s festering in probate courts. He called it a “black eye” on our justice system that Spears is still under conservatorship.

“Britney has been abused by the media, she’s been abused by a grifter father, and she’s been abused by the American justice system. We need to come together and create a federal cause of action…that will free Britney and the millions of Americans who are impacted by a corrupt guardianship system that empowers people to take advantage of the weak,” he said.

Gaetz got salty and insulted Jamie Spears. “There’s a lot that still divides us but there’s one thing we can agree on and that’s that Jamie Spears is a d*ck,” he said to cheers. “He should not make any more decisions regarding his daughter. She’s nearly 40 years old and she should make her own decisions.”

The guardianship scandal in America is much bigger than Britney Spears. The heinous reality is free to witness on Amazon right now and every single American with aging parents needs to watch it. The Guardians by Billie Mintz is a must-see documentary that rips the mask off the predators who are draining the estates of those with no one to speak for them. It is a national shame that this film did not cause an uprising resulting in the tearing down of probate courts across this nation. Only three people went to jail for the horrendous crimes against the elderly in Las Vegas while the government offenders continue to rob and steal to this day with no consequences. 

Gaetz is right. This whole system is corrupt and it needs to come crashing to the ground. Can Britney do it? Let’s all hope she can.

Source: PJ Media

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