After far-Left American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten hysterically attacked Florida GOP governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday, tweeting that “Millions in response to DeSantis’of Floridians are going to die for Ron DeSantis’ ignorance and he’s choosing to profit from it,” after DeSantis’ campaign team offered T-shirts saying, “Don’t Fauci My Florida,” six hours later she offered a tepid half-apology, tweeting, “You are all probably right … I shouldn’t have said millions.”

Weingarten’s original tweet stated, “Disgusting. Millions of Floridians are going to die for Ron DeSantis’ ignorance and he’s choosing to profit from it. He doesn’t care about Floridians; he cares about furthering his own cruel agenda.”

DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw blasted Weingarten in a statement to The Daily Wire, saying, “Is Randi Weingarten’s ridiculous claim that selling a koozie will lead to ‘millions’ of Floridians dying an example of Critical Math Theory? It’s terrifying that the fate of any child’s education is in the hands of someone so incredibly ignorant.”

Weinstein’s “apology” read, “You are all probably right… I shouldn’t have said millions.. I should have just said DeSantis was wrong to do this.. Fauci is an amazing public servant. He shoudn’t be mocked. But I shouldn’t engage in that kind of hyperbole either. My bad…”

Weingarten’s “apology” elicited anger on social media:

Tommy Schultz, CEO of the American Federation for Children: ‘Are you going to say ‘my bad’ for all of the hundreds of millions each year in political money spent on politicians and lobbying to block lower-income and middle-income families from accessing a better school of their choice?”

Corey A. DeAngelis, National Director of Research for School Choice Now: “What about all of the fear-mongering by teachers unions to keep schools closed for over a year?”

Others: “Oh ffs….like we don’t know that’s all political. De Santis has done an amazing job. If it had been up to you our children would have missed even more school. The proof is in the pudding and you can’t hide that.”

In May, Fox News’s Martha MacCallum blistered Weingarten in a heated exchange as MacCallum blasted the teachers’ unions for their reluctance to let children back into school over the past year, asserting, “The Trump administration was very aggressive. They wanted to get kids back into the classroom.”

MacCallum also targeted Weingarten for her comment that parents fighting against the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the teachings of The 1619 Project, which noted historians have strongly criticized, were trying to ban a “factual version of oppression.” MacCallum snapped of The 1619 Project’s version of history, “That is not factual. That is not true.”

MacCallum pointed out that two Texas school board candidates who opposed the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools won by 40 points, adding, “If you raise children in this country believing that it’s a bad country that was founded in wanting to preserve slavery, which is simply not true, then we’ve got a problem in our school system. And apparently, people noticed it in that district in Texas, and they voted in people that they think are going to make sure that that is clear to all the parents.”

Weingarten repeatedly dodged the question when MacCallum pressed her whether she thought the perspective of The 1619 Project was a “factual” version of American history, first answering, “I believe we should teach history. And from everything I can see and understand from the data I see, 1619 was the year that the first slave boat came from Africa to the United States,” then replying, “I have not arrived at the same conclusion from her work as you have.”

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Source: Dailywire

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