Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) explained during a Tuesday interview why he believes Dr. Anthony Fauci epitomizes the condescending attitude the liberal elite hold toward the average person.

Just hours after his tense clash with Fauci on Capitol Hill, during which he accused the nation’s top infectious diseases expert of lying to Congress, Paul told podcast host Brad Polumbo (video below) that he doubts the sincerity of Fauci’s motives more than he did at the start of the pandemic.

“In the beginning of this, I said repeatedly that I didn’t question his motives, that I thought his motives were good. I still think his motives are good, but I actually am starting to question the sincerity of what he’s doing, and that it’s not all for the betterment of mankind,” Paul said.

Citing information in the trove of Fauci’s private emails that Buzzfeed made public in June, Paul said he believes Fauci has “been covering his ass” since late July 2020.

“He became very alarmed that this could have come from the lab, he was getting reports of gain-of-function research, and he circled the wagon with this Peter Daszak,” said Paul. “And they did come together privately through email to talk about how to put the best spin on this.”

“So I do think that he’s been giving us shades of the truth from the very beginning, but I also think that he is predictable as an elitist,” Paul continued. “People on the Left believe they know better than you and they think that the common man’s too stupid to make their own decisions, so these decisions need to be made by their betters. And I truly think that he believes that he knows better.”

Paul went on to allege that Fauci is “okay with lying because he thinks the lie is for the betterment of mankind.”

“He calculates what the people need to hear and he tells them that regardless of whether it’s true,” Paul added.

Extrapolating Paul’s insight, Polumbo asked him what Fauci’s “hubris” suggests about other self-professed experts, such as those in the White House and Silicon Valley who consider themselves qualified to squelch what they deem “misinformation.”

Referencing economist Friedrich A. Hayek‘s idea that economies function best when knowledge is dispersed among many different people, Paul said such a principle also holds true for science and other areas.

“We now have a groupthink on COVID because Fauci controls all the funding,” Paul observed. Noting a similar situation exists with government funding of climate change research, Paul warned that the silencing of dissenting voices threatens to expand into other issues. “So climate change or alarmism was the beginning, the COVID…regime is the next, but it gets worse from here if we’re not careful.”

WATCH (relevant portion begins around 8:50 mark):

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