AUSTIN, TX - JUNE 08: State Rep. Chris Paddie watches as Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs Senate Bills 2 and 3 during a press conference at the Capitol on June 8, 2021 in Austin, Texas. Governor Abbott signed the bills into law to reform the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and weatherize and improve the reliability of the state's power grid. The bill signing comes months after a disastrous February winter storm that caused widespread power outages and left dozens of Texans dead. (Photo by Montinique Monroe/Getty Images)

State Rep. Chris Paddie watches as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs Senate Bills 2 and 3 during a press conference at the Capitol on June 8, 2021 in Austin, Texas. (Montinique Monroe/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed an executive order banning ground transportation of migrants who risk spreading the COVID-19 virus. The governor authorized the Texas Department of Public Safety to stop any vehicle suspected of carrying migrants that could be infected with coronavirus.

He said, “we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.”

Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) pleaded the Biden administration’s open border policies have created a surge down south. “In the last two weeks we had a 900% increase in COVID positive people illegally crossing the border into the United States,” said Arrington.

Two whistleblowers recently came forward saying a COVID outbreak among migrant children at the Fort Bliss facility was wildly downplayed by officials. According to the complaint presented to Congress on Wednesday, the outbreak took place from April to June of this year. The whistleblowers claimed “COVID was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees.”

Under Title 42, certain individuals can be turned away at the border if they pose such risk of spreading COVID-19 and if lifted, could threaten the health and safety of U.S. citizens. However, just this week the Texas Police Department at the border town of La Joya warned residents that the border patrol was releasing illegal immigrants infected with the virus.

Republicans are now criticizing the Biden administration for urging Americans to practice safe COVID precautions while just the opposite is happening down south as illegal immigrants are comfortably crossing the border.

Source: One America News Network

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