PHOENIX, AZ - OCTOBER 31: Ballots are pulled aside for a hand audit by Maricopa County Elections Department staff ahead of Tuesdays election on October 31, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Early voting lasted from October 7th through the 30th in Arizona, which had a record number of early voters. (Photo by Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images)

Ballots are pulled aside for a hand audit by Maricopa County Elections Department staff ahead of Tuesdays election on October 31, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images)

Election auditors in Arizona have completed the third and final recount of 2020 ballots and have now begun preparing their report. On Thursday, State Senate President Karen Fann (R) said the physical tabulation of ballots was not complete and all 2.1 million are being returned to Maricopa County this week.

She added the data will be taken to audit labs for analysis and a report is expected next month. Meanwhile, auditors are still expecting additional data and routers from Maricopa officials and dominion voting systems subpoenaed by the Senate. Arizona Republicans said it is essential those materials are not withheld.

In a separate Telegram post, officials released a full financial disclosure of donations made to fund the audit. The effort raised over $5 million in a fully transparent process, while only $150,000 was provided by the Arizona Senate.

Source: One America News Network

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