More than 18 percent of illegal alien families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the border tested positive for the coronavirus upon leaving Border Patrol custody.

Incredibly, there are some flights scheduled to deport illegals that had more than 25 percent of the passengers testing positive. ICE ended up removing those passengers from the flights but there is little doubt that the United States has a COVID superspreader problem at the border.

And the responsibility is wholly Joe Biden’s.

NBC News:

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.

This weekend, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is being held in South Dakota. The media is full of stories about the rally being a superspreader event. But Sturgis has nothing on the superspreading illegals at the border.

A second DHS document prepared this week for the White House says high positivity rates are “straining the capacity of the NGOs and local governments that DHS currently partners with to care for them.”

That document attributes the rise of Covid among undocumented immigrants to “the highly transmissible Delta variant combined with lengthier stays in crowded [Customs and Border Protection] facilities.”

The high rates have triggered emergency meetings between the White House, HHS and DHS this week, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions.

Biden and the Democrats are pretending that the illegals are not the superspreaders they clearly are. They are in complete and total denial.

Miami Herald-Tribune has some fun with numbers:

But the argument that Mexicans or any other undocumented migrants are a major cause of COVID-19’s spread is based on lies.

First, it’s not true that Biden is allowing more COVID-19-carrying migrants into the country. In fact, more migrants have been expelled back to Mexico under COVID-19 prevention laws so far this year than during the entire final year of the Trump administration.

More than 500,000 migrants were expelled from February to June under Title 42, a public-health law the Trump administration began using in March 2020 to eject people at the border in the name of preventing COVID-19 infection, according to By comparison, there were 449,000 such expulsions from March 2020 to January 2021, it says.

Yes, it’s true that Biden is allowing more COVID-positive illegals into the country. His own Border Patrol confirms it. It doesn’t matter how many illegals are coming into the country and being deported, only if the illegal aliens test positive or not.

They do.

No wonder Texas Governor Greg Abbot wanted to halt the flood of illegal aliens streaming from the border area after they had been released by ICE. He was stopped by a federal judge but the point is clear.

Biden has to stop the madness of releasing COVID-positive illegal aliens who show up at our border into the interior of the United States.

Source: PJ Media

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