CNN’s Brianna Keilar apparently woke up wanting to look ridiculous on national television so she delivered a painfully long monologue Monday about conservatives “demonizing” illegal immigrants spreading COVID-19, doing so very much with President Joe Biden’s blessing.

Even admitting that “there is a crisis on the border,” Keilar felt that the more pressing matter at hand was Republicans like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who have pointed out that migrants coming in daily by the tens of thousands are compounding our ongoing problems with the pandemic.

“There’s no proof of some large-scale importation of COVID-sickened migrants to Florida that could be blamed for the terrible infection numbers in DeSantis’ state,” Keilar sassed.

Ah, that’s a nice sleight of hand from the “Facts First” network. Illegal aliens claiming asylum are turned loose into the country to go wherever they want but because we can’t specifically total up the COVID-positive ones who have gone to Florida, there’s “no proof.”

In any event, who gives a sh-t if we can’t trace illegal immigrant COVID spread in one state? It’s a fact, reported no less by NBC, that nearly a quarter of the families and unaccompanied minors throwing themselves into the care of Border Patrol are testing positive for the virus. That would mean in June, the most recent month for which full government data is available, something like 15,000 people with COVID crossed into the country.

And those are just the ones border agents managed to record. And of course, they’re all coming because they heard Biden invite them in. They all say it and they’re exposing the men and women monitoring our border to a deadly disease, thanks to the president.

But while we’re talking about the border, let’s remember that the migrants bringing more COVID-19 into the country are the least of our worries.

Brianna Keilar can feel very self-satisfied about the lack of “proof” that illegal aliens are spreading the virus in Florida, but she can’t say the same for the rapists, child molesters, and gang bangers who are well documented.

Here’s a look at just a few of the most recent run-ins at the border thanks to Biden and Kamala Harris’s more “compassionate” position on immigration.

On Aug. 4, Texas border agents said they arrested two MS-13 gang members as well as an illegal alien who was previously convicted in California “for forcible oral copulation with a minor under 14 years old.”

The same day, Texas agents “arrested two undocumented individuals in two separate incidents with prior convictions for a sexual offense.”

On Aug. 1, Texas authorities detained a 38-year-old Mexican male who “had an outstanding felony warrant for the sex offense against a child-fondling.”

On July 27, agents detained a Salvadoran member of MS-13 with a criminal record. The next day, they arrested a Mexican member of the Suernos gang who had previously been convicted of aggravated robbery in Texas. Shortly thereafter, Border Patrol arrested a 22-year-old Salvadoran member of MS-13 who had also had a prior burglary conviction in New Jersey.

On July 23, authorities in Texas arrested a 25-year-old Salvadoran woman known to be affiliated with MS-13 and with a criminal record for “unlawful possessions of firearms of war, extortion and illicit groupings.” That night, a 46-year-old Mexican man was arrested and I.D.’d as a registered sex offender who had been convicted of sexual assault of a 13-year-old child. Also arrested was a 38-year-old Honduran who had a prior conviction of “possession of obscene material with a minor.”

We could do this all day. It never ends. That’s who Biden invited into the country, along with COVID-19.

Source: The Federalist

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