The Biden administration sparked outrage on Monday after a video was released that showed a controversial influencer being filmed at the White House to promote vaccines.

Politico reports:

In another attempt to reach the youngins’ about the importance of the Covid-19 vaccine, the White House press shop teamed up with BENITO SKINNER aka BENNY DRAMA, a comedic influencer with 1.3 million followers on instagram alone, EUGENE DANIELS shares.

The video, shot last month, also stars press secretary JEN PSAKI playing the straight woman to Skinner’s chaotic “Kooper the Gen Z Intern” character for a day in the life of a White House intern.


The video was widely mocked on social media with everyone from political commentators to politicians expressing dismay at what they saw.

Here are a few of the responses that the video garnered:

Donald Trump Jr.: “Seems like a very effective way to reach (a) out to vax reluctant groups like minorities, Trump Voters, and Conservatives in general. Great work guys. Glad the ‘adults’ are back in the WH.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “This can’t be real.”

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX): “Honestly what the hell. It isn’t even funny. If you’re going to be an embarrassment, at least be funny.”

Abigail Shrier: “This is a horrifically homophobic portrayal. If a Republican White House had put this out, it would rightly be a national scandal.”

Matt Whitlock: “Genuinely curious who this taxpayer funded messaging exercise is targeting. Are woke Gen-Z kids who are far too online showing higher levels of vaccine hesitancy than others?”

Will Ricciardella: “This is happening in the White House … of the United States of America. Where Truman ordered the bombs dropped and Reagan implemented his plan to defeat the Soviets. Incredible.”

Chuck Ross: “This is the Delta variant of White House vaccine influencer vids.”

Rita Panahi: “Are they trying to discourage people from getting vaccinated?”

Allie Beth Stuckey: “This is probably what’s going to get those darn conservative evangelicals to finally get the vaccine.”

Frank Luntz: “Americans must unite and get vaccinated, so that none of us have to watch stuff like this ever again.”

Jon Gabriel: “Now I want to unvaccinate myself.”

Ned Ryun: “So cringe and pathetic. And I need eye bleach. . .”

Daniel Darling: “I may go get vaccinated again just to make sure this stops.”

David Reaboi: “This is so repulsive on so many levels.”

Geoffrey Ingersoll: “I bet this video is influencing red county residents to get vaccinated in droves.”

Sean Spicer: “If this is how the White House thinks it’s going to get more people vaccinated I don’t think we will ever get there.”

Frank Fleming: “Here’s a great idea to get more people vaccinated: Set a new vaccination goal where, if it’s hit, this guy gets deported.”

Seth Dillon: “The plan is to run this during NASCAR races and on CMT.”

Joel Pollak: “I can really see this resonating with conservatives and African Americans who are hesitating on the vaccine.”

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Source: Dailywire

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