Sen. Rick Scott in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) slammed Democrats’ reckless tax and spending policies just before the upper chamber passed the infrastructure bill. Speaking on Capitol Hill on Monday, Scott criticized the left by saying it appeared Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had taken control of the Democrat Party.

“It sure looks like Bernie Sanders now controls the party,” he stated. “It’s systemic socialism. It’s exactly what he’s always proposed.”

Scott added the Democrats’ agenda of “systemic socialism” put American families on the hook with higher taxes, skyrocketing debt and raging inflation. He pointed to the Democrats’ new budget outlook by saying the federal government was not living within its means and the left wasn’t trying to balance their spending.

“We’re at a little over $28 trillion worth of debt. I think 28.5 and we’re about to hit 30 trillion. We’ve already passed the debt ceiling,” he explained. “They’re projecting to take our federal debt to $45 trillion. They’re assuming interest rates are going to stay down. They’re assuming in 2031, the annual interest expense will be $1 trillion.”

Scott had been among several GOP lawmakers who were in favor of improving U.S. infrastructure, but in a way he said was fiscally responsible. He argued Congress needed to become more honest with the American people.

“I talk to families about issues they deal with. The biggest issue they’re dealing with now is inflation,” he explained. “…The poorest families in this country, the families on a fixed income, they can’t afford what we’re doing to them. We’ve got to stop wasteful spending.”

Inflation and reckless spending has not been the only concern that was brought forward by Republicans. The GOP has been drawing attention to Democrat-lead efforts to make changes to the death tax, which was one of several changes to tax code the left has proposed in order to fund their massive spending.

In an op-ed published on Monday, South Dakota Sen. John Thune (R) asserted Americans could be forced into selling their family-owned farms just to pay Biden’s proposed double death tax. He argued the U.S. tax code has allowed family-run businesses to be passed down to the next generation without the imposition of capital gains taxes on the built-in gains from the prior generation.

Thune added many of these “gains” were unrealized. The price of the land may have risen since being owned by previous generations, but farmers haven’t seen a penny of actual gain. It’s called “step-up in basis” and it prevented families from large payments when a loved one dies.

Thune warned this would crush the dream of farmers in his state, many of whom wish to pass their business onto a loved one in better condition.

He went on to say, “the families who depend on these generationally-owned operations will be watching”.

Source: One America News Network

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