Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who led an audit of the 2020 election in his state, testified that the election was so corrupt that the state legislature should “take a very hard look at the option of decertification of the 2020” presidential election.

“It is clear that the Wisconsin Legislature could lawfully take steps to decertify electors in any Presidential election, for example in light of violations of state election law that did or likely could have affected the outcome of the election,” Gableman’s report reads. However, it said that doing so would not impact the results of the election.

“It would not, for example, change who the current President is,” the report concedes.

Gableman spent three hours detailing his finding before the Wisconsin Assembly’s elections committee, but his calls for decertifying the election were met with bipartisan criticism.

“Still not legal under Wisconsin law,” Republican Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke tweeted. “Beyond that, it would have no practical impact b/c there is no Constitutional way to remove a sitting president other than through impeachment or incapacity. Fools errand. Focus on the future.”

According to the Associated Press, much of Gableman’s 136-page interim report attacked the millions of dollars in funding from a controversial Mark Zuckerberg-backed foundation aimed at increasing Democratic voter turnout—often referred to as Zuck Bucks—which have since been banned or restricted in at least ten states.

“His report also criticized how the state handled nursing home ballots during the pandemic as well as absentee ballot drop boxes,” the AP reports. “He recommended dismantling the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission that Republicans created.”

Biden’s state-certified victory in Wisconsin was just under 21,000 votes and is not the only battleground state with a slim margin of victory that may have been affected by irregularities. For example, last September, a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election vote in Maricopa County, Ariz. found 53,214 ballots impacted by irregularities of medium, high, and critical severity. Joe Biden’s margin of victory was only 10,457.

Source: PJ Media

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