If Australia is any indication of what’s coming to America, I suggest you order your mandatory Chairman Mao paintings before they run out.

FACT-O-RAMA! Melbourne, Australia, locked down for seven days in August because of eight COVID cases.

In the past year and a half, Australia has gone from being a free society to North Korea. How so, you say? This is all happening in Australia now:

  • Mandatory quarantine camps are being built
  • Protestors are being beaten, a 12-year-old girl was pepper-sprayed
  • The army is going door to door to make sure you’re where you should be
  • Australian health chief Dr. Kerry Chant, informed the 8.1 million locked-down subjects of New South Wales (NSW) that COVID will be with us “forever” and people will have to just “get used to” rolling up their sleeves for endless booster shots
  • A six-story, 104-unit building for the homeless was locked down after four people tested positive for COVID
  • Chant warned people not to start conversations with people when outdoors
  • Non-vaxxed people aren’t going to be merely locked down, they are going to be “locked out”

Booze Blues

Australia’s next move is limiting how much alcohol a locked-down person can have per day in an effort to “ensure the safety of health staff and residents.”

The daily hooch rations include one of the following:

  • Six beers or pre-mixed drinks
  • One bottle of wine
  • One, 375ml bottle of liquor

Entire apartment buildings have been locked down, despite low COVID infection rates. Even worse, bags, deliveries, and mail are being searched by police for contraband booze.

“They are searching all bags and things coming into the building … They confiscated a series of gifts. So things like bottles of spirits, we weren’t allowed to have those and we still aren’t,” one resident complained.

A Sydney Local Health District spokeswoman confirmed the limits are in place in NSW Health’s Special Health Accommodation, where COVID-positive patients and close contacts are sent for isolation.

It is unclear what powers NSW Health has to limit the delivery of alcohol to people isolating in THEIR OWN homes. Public health orders do not mention alcohol limits. This is reminiscent of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) deciding people don’t have to pay their rent. They didn’t have the power to do so but they did it anyway.

A spokesperson for the NSW Police denied police officers are confiscating alcohol delivered to residential buildings, and that they lack the authority to even do so.

Australia has been the scene of some of the biggest and most violent anti-COVID-mandate and lockdown protests. Police have gone so far as to suggest people are “obligated” to turn in friends and family who are planning to attend protests.


Source: PJ Media

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