A tip of the tinfoil hat to my conspiracy theory friends. You’re right again.

The president of the United States would NEVER hand over immense power regarding healthcare, travel, and censorship to the World Health Organization (WHO), right?

Tucker Carlson broke a story on Thursday that every American needs to understand regarding the “Global Pandemic Treaty.”

This January, the Biden administration submitted a series of proposed amendments to something called the International Health Regulations (the IHR). Now, the Biden administration’s amendments, along with those from several other countries, will be combined to create a new global pandemic treaty. “We need a pandemic treaty.” That treaty is set to be adopted starting this weekend in Geneva at the World Health Assembly.

Now, the full text of the treaty is not yet finished, but a W.H.O. working group has summarized what it’s going to look like. The document begins by promising to restrict the W.H.O’s authority just to pandemics. Calm down, it’s just pandemics: “W.H.O. Secretariat to play the leading, convening and coordinating role in operational aspects of emergency response to a pandemic.”

In a nutshell, the WHO wants:

  • total control over the world’s pandemic response
  • to distribute medicine on a basis of “equity”
  • to censor any “disinformation” that doesn’t agree with what they say
  • have real-time information about when/where YOU travel. You know, for the “health security of the world, comrade”

That means unelected officials from other countries will have a ridiculous amount of power over Americans. There is no apparent accountability. I think the word for this is “communism.” Can it REALLY happen? Buckle up.


  • President Trump removed the U.S. from the WHO and Gropey Joe brought us back in
  • The WHO lied and ran cover for China during the “pandemic.” China claimed COVID couldn’t be transmitted from human to human. The WHO backed up that lie. WHO covered for China re: the origins of the Hong Kong Fluey. The WHO’s bigwig, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, went so far as to congratulate China on its handling of the Bat Stew Flu
  • Tedros is from Ethiopia. He once called an outbreak of cholera a simple case of “acute watery diarrhea” among a group of people whom Tucker suggests Tedros found to be “disfavorable”
  • Tedros is a friend of Lord Fauci
  • This all links China, the WHO, and Fauci. See the problem yet?

FACT-O-RAMA! Chinese doctor Ai Fen tried to warn the world about COVID. China made her disappear.

If this treaty goes through, the WHO would potentially have total authority over worldwide emergency operations. The WHO, not our own government,  would control how future pandemics are dealt with in the U.S. They’d also decide what is and is not a “pandemic.”

The treaty is full of nonsense, like this,

National and global coordinated actions to address the misinformation, disinformation  and stigmatization that undermines public health.

Which means censorship in the name of “public health reasons.” Pssst, that’s communism.

WHO would have the capacity to deploy proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks. You know, like Facebook and Twitter are already doing.

If this treaty goes through, foreign agents will decide who gets vaccines and medicine based on “equity.”

From the treaty,

Equitable and effective access to vaccines, therapeutic, diagnostics, and essential supplies  and for clinical trials.

Healtchcare workers and most vulnerable get medicine first.

Most vulnerable? Who gets to decide who is the most vulnerable? The WHO, that’s who.

But no one would use this power to keep medicine from getting to “certain groups,” right?

Wrong. The CDC is all about vaccinating minorities first, and 25 states are ok with that. Now imagine this sort of equity racism on a global scale.

WHO will have the power to “develop standards for producing a digital version of the International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis.” This means that something the “tinfoil wackjobs” have been warning us about could very well become a reality, the beginning of a New World Order.

You can watch Tucker brilliantly spell it out here in the first 15 minutes of his monologue, or you can read it here. Please watch it. It’s arguably one of the most important stories of the year.

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Source: PJ Media

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