Old Joe Biden has told us that, as bad as gas prices are now, they’re “gonna go up” even more, and he can’t do anything about it. “Can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible,” he claimed risibly and also asserted with a straight face that “It’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.” Actually, it is true, and Biden’s handlers are now poised to make matters even worse by racing ahead full throttle with their climate agenda, heedless of the fact that it will cost American taxpayers even more, and in fact much more, than they’re coughing up now.

Old Joe made this clear on Monday on a most significant occasion: a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser. The issues that politicians talk about at fundraisers are the ones you can be sure they’re really serious about and will move on in every way they can to keep the donors happy. Biden began by thanking the assembled wealthy and powerful Leftists “for your commitment to the environment.” Old Joe claimed he had been committed for decades (of course, many say he should be committed now, but that’s another story), asserting that “way back in the ‘80s, I wrote the first climate bill, and it didn’t go very far. We — we had rai- — (coughs) — excuse me — raised consciousness, but it didn’t go very far.”

Given that Joe Biden is a serial liar, there is plenty of reason to doubt that he actually did write the first climate bill, but he is certainly on board now, claiming that climate change “is the existential threat to humanity. And it’s not hyperbole.” As if repetition would make it true, Biden said it again a bit later on in his remarks: “The climate crisis is the existential threat. That’s not hyperbole; it’s a fact.”

Actually, that’s exactly what it is. Norman Rogers, author of Dumb Energy, who spent ten years studying climate change and its scientists, has explained that “Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models,” but these models “have gigantic problems.” Kevin Trenberth, who has been in charge of those climate models at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, remarked that none of the climate models “correspond even remotely to the current observed climate” that is actually on earth. Rogers concludes: “The models can’t properly model the Earth’s climate, but we are supposed to believe that, if carbon dioxide has a certain effect on the imaginary Earths of the many models it will have the same effect on the real earth.”

Yet it’s on the basis of those flawed climate models that the Biden administration is poised to destroy the fossil fuel industry, hand over global economic hegemony on an emission-free platter to the People’s Republic of China, and greatly increase the economic burden on the already severely strapped American taxpayer. But Old Joe had one encouraging: “my former — our former Secretary of State, John Kerry,” (no, Joe, he wasn’t your Secretary of State, you weren’t president then; you’re hardly even president now) is “as passionate about this as anybody.” Hey, if Thurston Howell III is for it, who could be against it?

We have to pole-ax our economy for the children, you see. If they aren’t getting everywhere on bicycles while the Communist Chinese drive everywhere and laugh about how easy it was to best us, the children will never forgive us: “If we don’t keep it to 1.5 degrees Celsius,” Angry Prophet Joe warned, “no warmer than that — we’re going to have — our kids are going to — our grandchildren will never forgive us, and the world will change. I mean, literal sense it will change.” Literal sense, Joe? You mean, all the rest of this climate nonsense is figurative?

Alas, no. But Biden tells us it isn’t going to cost us anything, which means: Reach for your wallet. “In advance of our aggressive climate goals,” Biden said, as his nose grew yet again, “we’re going to cut costs for families — an average of $500 a year. It’s not something anybody at this table worries about, but as my dad used to say, when everything from the price of gasoline to heating your home goes up, it’s a subject at the — at the dinner table. It’s real. And — and so, that’s why this — my proposal advances aggressive climate goals, tax credits to weatherize homes and businesses, doubling America’s solar wind and — and other energy, lowering the price of electric vehicles, and — and much more.”

When even the WhiteHouse.gov transcript wonks, who were so anxious to cover for Kamala Harris’ thinking that Ukraine was in NATO, make Biden look barely coherent at best, you know they had terrible material to work with. Biden did, however, manage to get out yet another lie: “And in addition, the Russia and Ukraine is another reason why we have to get off our dependency on fossil fuels.” Well, Joe, if you hadn’t destroyed the energy independence we were enjoying when you took office, that wouldn’t be a problem, would it?

But if you thought things were bad now, brace yourself: more pain is coming. “I’m going to continue to take executive actions where I can,” Biden announced. “The Court has overruled me a couple of times. But we created a climate office in the White House to carry out the whole-of-government effort to deal with climate.”

Great. That means the seven-dollar gas is just the beginning. This administration’s war against the American people hasn’t even gotten into full swing yet.

Source: PJ Media

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