According to a hysterical new ABC News/Ipsos “poll,” Americans are delighted when very young children are instructed about Leftist fetish topics like “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in school.

With Florida poised to pass the Parental Rights in Education law and other states teeing up similar measures, Leftists are beginning to realize that voters are revolting against the stifling fog of indoctrination with which they’ve been enveloping innocent tots. But unfortunately for them, parents who were stuck in their homes during the COVID-19 lockdowns saw with their own eyes the garbage with which their children were being inculcated. Parents got red-pilled hard, and the resulting revolution has shown no sign of slowing down.

Big Left is now marshaling its kulturpustch legions to try to put down the rebellion. The news will soon be filled with sob stories about “transgender” children who will be irrevocably damaged by a return to sanity and neutrality in the classroom. “Experts” and “scientists” will lecture you on how, if you don’t think “transgender” five-year-olds are the absolute aces, they’ll kill themselves and it will be all your fault!!! And of course, polls will be conducted that show Americans overwhelmingly love it when your tax dollars pay lunatics to relieve your child of the archaic notion that objective reality is a thing.

On Sunday, one such propaganda piece was released with the ludicrous subheading, “New ABC News/Ipsos poll also finds majority of Americans oppose legislation banning teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity in elementary schools.”

The poll, which focused almost entirely on Biden’s leadership and the Russia-Ukraine war, veered off-topic for the final question. “On another topic, would you support or oppose legislation that would prohibit classroom lessons about sexual orientation or gender identity in elementary school?” it asked. The respondents were allegedly opposed to such legislation by the massive margin of 62% to 37%, with 1% skipping the question. Pardon me, but:

Ha ha ha! … *wipes eyes* … Phew! Where was I? Ah, yes … While cross tabs were not made available, the pollsters devoted several paragraphs to their methodology. The very first paragraph reads:

This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted March 11 to March 12, 2022 by Ipsos using the probability-based KnowledgePanel®. This poll is based on a nationally representative probability sample of 622 adults age 18 or older, with an oversample among LGBTQ+ respondents. (emphasis added)

You don’t need to be a master statistician to know that a sample of 622, no matter how carefully hand-picked, is not an adequate sample of a number as large as the headcount of U.S. adults, which is north of 250,000,000.

Then there’s the matter of the “oversample among LGBTQ+ respondents.” Wut? Why on earth would pollsters oversample this particular group on such an issue? The only answer that comes to mind is that they wanted a particular result. Well, they got it.

And from there, they got the headline they wanted, too. Big Left’s media proxies immediately began to disseminate the talking point out. Here’s a sample tweet from The Hill:

Reading through the comments, it doesn’t look like most people believed the propaganda for a hot second. Apprently, folks are wise to blatant manipulations by the left, as exemplified by the below sampling of replies:

“Elementary school age? WTF!! Why should we be discussing anything sexual at school with kids that age? This should be left up to the parent … not the government schools.”

“Nope. I don’t believe you.”

“False, we very much object, even teachers object.”

“I absolutely do not believe this story.”

“This is very misleading, almost as if you’re pushing a particular agenda.”

Several people commented that they should try polling parents. Big Left won’t do that, because they’d never get the same results as they got by oversampling rainbow cultists. But clubbing Americans over the head with preposterous and transparently biased polls is likely to do more harm than good for the cause of teaching extremely adult concepts to young children in the classroom.

Transgenderism is not science; it is a belief system. If Jesus Christ must be locked out of schools, then you can be damn sure the LGBTQ+ clown car doesn’t belong there, either.

Source: PJ Media

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