White Coat Waste Project (WCW), a taxpayer watchdog group, has uncovered yet another disturbing experiment funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The experiment involved intentionally infecting beagles with heartworm larvae, and then euthanizing them six months later.

“The experiment, conducted by researchers affiliated with Iowa State University, TRS Labs in Athens, Georgia and Bayer Animal Health in Germany, was funded with a grant to which the NIAID contributed $6.1 million since 2001 and $382,500 in 2021,” reports The Daily Caller. “Two other NIAID grants, to Iowa State University and the University of Georgia, were also acknowledged by the researchers.”

Ten beagle puppies were infected with 200 heartworm larvae for the experiment. Six months later the puppies were euthanized and the larvae extracted for use in other experiments.

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This project has been ongoing for the past 20 years and has cost taxpayers $6.1 million, WCW tells PJ Media. $382,500 was spent on this project in 2021.

“Wasting our tax dollars to treat beagles like heartworm factories and then kill them when they aren’t useful anymore is the SIXTH #BeagleGate atrocity we’ve exposed in this scandal,” Ann Marie Dori, Manager at taxpayer watchdog group, White Coat Waste Project, said in a statement. “We’ve also documented — and NIAID has admitted — that Fauci funded gruesome experiments entailing de-barking dogs, poisoning puppies, and infesting beagles with flies and ticks. Polls show that 71% of Democrats and 62% of Republicans want to defund Fauci’s dog abuse. Taxpayers don’t want to foot the bill for wasteful government spending on animal experimentation.”

Source: PJ Media

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