The Biden administration on Monday renewed the public health order known as Title 42, which keeps most illegal aliens from entering the country. Title 42 was billed as a pandemic emergency measure and with positive tests for the coronavirus surging across the country, the administration had no choice but to maintain the restrictions.

That didn’t stop the ACLU from running toward a gasoline dump with a lit match. They filed a lawsuit looking to overturn the policy. The DHS order renewing Title 42 was contained in that court filing, raising the question of what the Biden administration was trying to hide?

In the order to maintain Title 42 pandemic restrictions, DHS noted that Border Patrol facilities on the southwest border are holding migrants at 389 percent of “COVID-19 adjusted capacity.”

“Amid the ongoing migrant surge, both the COVID-19-reduced capacity and higher non-COVID holding capacity limits have been exceeded in CBP facilities,” the order states. “Complete termination of any order under” Title 42 means there would be “severe overcrowding and a high risk of COVID-19 transmission among those held in the facilities and the CBP workforce, ultimately burdening the local healthcare system.”

That “seasonal increase” in illegal alien border crossings—described by the president when he denied that his invitation to come to the United States has resulted in record numbers of illegals trying to enter—is becoming a permanent tsunami.  The Border Patrol will announce on Tuesday that about 210,000 illegals were arrested at the border in July, including a record 19,000 minors.

Associated Press:

Overall, U.S. authorities stopped migrants about 210,000 times at the border in July, up from 188,829 in June and the highest in more than 20 years. But the numbers aren’t directly comparable because many cross repeatedly under a pandemic-related ban that expels people from the country immediately without giving them a chance to seek asylum but carries no legal consequences.

The activity was overwhelmingly concentrated in the Border Patrol’s Del Rio and Rio Grande Valley sectors in south Texas, accounting for more than seven of 10 people who came in families.

In the Rio Grande Valley sector, the “epicenter of the current surge,” agents stopped migrants about 78,000 times in July, Shahoulian said, up from 59,380 in June and 51,149 in May.

“We are deeply disappointed that the Biden administration has abandoned its promise of fair and humane treatment for families seeking safety, leaving us no choice but to resume litigation,” said Neela Chakravartula. Ms. Chakravatula is the attorney heading up the ACLU team trying to open the floodgates at our southern borders.

Biden has well and truly botched the border surge. He removed almost all Trump-era restrictions — not because they weren’t working but because they were Trump policies. It was silly, stupid, and childish for Biden to end the “remain in Mexico” policy and other border control efforts simply because, well, orange man bad.

Try as he might to hide the extent of the humanitarian crisis building at the border, the fact is the administration can’t release the illegals fast enough to avoid notice. David Shahoulian, assistant secretary for border and immigration policy at the Department of Homeland Security, noted in responding to the ACLU court filing that in just one sector — the Rio Grande Valley — agents stopped illegals about 78,000 times in July, up from 59,380 in June and 51,149 in May.

The has government released more than 50,000 illegals since March without giving them a court date. Illegal children are whisked away from the border and the supervision of the Border Patrol and placed in DHS custody, thus hiding the number of illegal alien children in U.S. custody.

It’s dishonest and, as we’ve seen, dangerous. And with the media as willing accomplices to administration perfidy, it will be some time before we’re made aware of the full extent of the Biden administration’s negligence at the border.

Source: PJ Media

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