The number of illegals arrested after trying to cross the U.S. border with Mexico continues to climb with 188,000 “encounters” in June, according to Customs and Border Protection. That number is the highest on record going back at least a decade.

The 188,000 arrests is an increase of about 8,000 from May. So far this fiscal year, more than a million illegal aliens have been stopped at the border. That’s more than in 2019, when the influx of illegals was labeled a “humanitarian disaster.”


The monthly data is used as a measure of illegal migration to the US. However, in March 2020 the US implemented a public health measure that allowed for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the border, impacting the number of repeat crossings. The Biden administration has kept the Trump-era health order, known as “Title 42,” in place amid ongoing litigation and a torrent of criticism from immigration advocates and some lawmakers.

Title 42 is likely to end this month. The administration is warning that when it ends, a massive increase in refugees is expected, including 1200 families a day.

Most encounters in June were of single adults, but families and unaccompanied children were up from the previous month. Customs and Border Protection intercepted around 55,805 family members and 15,253 unaccompanied children in June, up from 44,639 and 14,158 in May, respectively.

An unidentified administration official told the Washington Free Beacon that “Border Patrol agents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and customs officers are stretched thin trying to protect and secure our border. Asking them to process roughly 6,000 people a week undoubtedly strain already thin resources and increase human trafficking and drug smuggling.”

The back-up at the border means that people try multiple times to enter the U.S. About 70,000 illegal aliens tried at least twice to enter the country before being turned back because of Title 42.

The word has quietly been passed that Title 42 restrictions are likely to be eased for family units trying to enter the country in the next few days.

Border Report:

Biden reportedly plans to exempt family units from Title 42 expulsions beginning in the next few days or weeks, but questions remain as to how many families will try to come across and whether U.S. government agencies can process them and nonprofit social services groups can assist them in a timely and efficient manner.

“The Biden administration, the Mexican government and international organizations need to come up with a plan,” Noorani said. “The rollback of MPP provides an important template of how that can be done so families can engage with (United Nations agencies), get their COVID test and go through a safe and orderly process that protects them from the cartels and allows them to enter the U.S. and make their case for asylum.”

Biden is being urged to employ the services of UN agencies to help with the overflow. A better idea might be to deny entry to people who aren’t citizens. But like any other third-world country, Biden wants to contract out U.S. border services to the incompetents at the UN.

Then, when a humanitarian disaster occurs, Biden can blame the UN and NGOs.

Source: PJ Media

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