The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) once ruled that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) “movement” was apolitical and non-partisan, allowing government employees to support it while at work without violating rules against partisan activity in the office.

This was nonsense, even at its zenith. Recall the BLM supporters — many of them bored, white college kids — rioting, looting and burning the streets of major cities with hyper-partisan and profane signage? These were not Republicans and libertarians.

Now a new poll from a left-leaning group called Civiqs proves how wrong the OSC was.

The survey found that while 85% of Democrats still support BLM and just 4% oppose it, 87% of Republicans oppose BLM and only a paltry 3% support it.

Moreover, pollsters found that support among independents for BLM has fallen steadily since its peak following George Floyd’s death, to below the opposition. Only 37% of independents now say they support it. Overall, BLM approval is down to 47%.

Republican support has never hit 10%, while Democrats’ opposition has never risen above 3%. From its peak of 51% some 18 months ago, independent support is now down to its lowest.

Another divide is based on gender.

A majority of all men dislike BLM, versus 36% who support it; but numbers are the opposite among women: 51% support the group, versus 36% who oppose it. With single women being the backbone of the Democrat party today, this may not surprise.

As for age, it’s no surprise that younger, usually more naive or emotional people support BLM more than older folks. Racially speaking, more than four in five black Americans support BLM, while 53% of white Americans oppose the group.

This all signifies an extremely partisan movement that’s reached its nadir.

Even if weakened, however, BLM remains a potent force for Democrats, especially in urban areas. But by shedding independents due to their radicalism, “organizers” can no longer legitimately say a majority of Americans support the movement; in fact, the steady decline is glaring and telling.

BLM is led too often by anti-Semites, engages in threats of violence, is made up of intolerant agitators, and appeals to those instigating mass murder. BLM, in sum, is a far-left political movement that is losing appeal fast.

Source: PJ Media

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