Cuomo Broke The Law

New York Attorney General Letitia James has told us what we all knew: Andrew Cuomo is a pig.

Eleven women testified that Cuomo touched them and made inappropriate comments and grotesque suggestions, including asking married women if they cheat.

The 138-page report also states Cuomo retaliated against some of his accusers.

“This is a sad day for New York because independent investigators have concluded that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and, in doing so, broke the law,” Letitia James said in a statement.

Letitia James has also talked about running for governor herself.

Fast Creepy Cuomo Facts Excerpted from the Report:

  • Cuomo asked a woman to find him “a girlfriend that can accept pain.”
  • “State Entity Employee #1” stated Cuomo In September 2019, while a picture was being taken, “the Governor put his hand on State Entity Employee #1’s butt, tapped it twice, and then grabbed her butt.”
  • Virginia Limmiatis wore a shirt that had the name of an Energy Company written across the chest. “When the Governor reached Ms. Limmiatis, he ran two fingers across her chest, pressing down on each of the letters as he did so and reading out the name of the Energy Company as he went. The Governor then leaned in, with his face close to Ms. Limmiatis’s cheek, and said, ‘I’m going to say I see a spider on your shoulder,’ before brushing his hand in the area between her shoulder and breasts (and below her collarbone).”
  • “The Governor engaged in a pattern of inappropriate conduct with an executive assistant (‘Executive Assistant #1’), who is a woman. That pattern of conduct included: (1) close and intimate hugs; (2) kisses on the cheeks, forehead, and at least one kiss on the lips; (3) touching and grabbing of Executive Assistant #1’s butt during hugs and, on one occasion, while taking selfies with him; and (4) comments and jokes by the Governor about Executive Assistant #1’s personal life and relationships, including calling her and another assistant ‘mingle mamas, 3 inquiring multiple times about whether she had cheated or would cheat on her husband, and asking her to help find him a girlfriend.”
  • According to Executive Assistant #1, Cuomo “reached under her blouse and grabbed her breast. For over three months, Executive Assistant #1 kept this groping incident to herself and planned to take it “to the grave,”4 but found herself becoming emotional (in a way that was visible to her colleagues in the Executive Chamber) while watching the Governor state, at a press conference on March 3, 2021, that he had never ‘touched anyone inappropriately.’”
  • In a series of conversations in 2020 with aide Charlotte Bennett, “the Governor made inappropriate comments, including, among many other things: (1) telling Ms. Bennett, in talking about potential girlfriends for him, that he would be willing to date someone who was as young as 22 years old (he knew Ms. Bennett was 25 at the time); (2) asking her whether she had been with older men; (3) saying to her during the pandemic that he was “lonely” and ‘wanted to be touched’;10 (4) asking whether Ms. Bennett was monogamous; (5) telling Ms. Bennett, after she told him that she was considering getting a tattoo for her birthday, that if she decided to get a tattoo, she should get it on her butt, where it could not be seen; (6) asking whether she had any piercings other than her ears.”
Popcorn Time!

Cuomo disputed the findings of the report in a video address. “The facts are much different than what has been portrayed,” he said.

“First, I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances. I am 63 years old. I have lived my entire adult life in public view. That is just not who I am, and that’s not who I have ever been.”

Expect Andrew Cuomo to blame Letitia James and her political aspirations for this one. Where Is Chris Cuomo? I might actually watch CNN for this upcoming dance routine tonight.

Source: PJ Media

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