After the Texas National Guard closed and locked a gate at the border near Eagle Pass, Texas, to prevent illegal aliens from crossing into the United States, U.S. Border Patrol unlocked the gate and, with the Texans watching, allowed several dozen illegals to enter the U.S.

It’s one thing to have illegals cross the border and present themselves for processing. Asking for asylum is perfectly legitimate, and the U.S. is obligated under international law to listen.

But it’s quite another situation for Border Patrol to facilitate the crossing and literally hold the door open for the illegals.

Fox News:

Some agents have expressed their anger at being taken off the line and instead being forced to process those who have entered the country illegally into the U.S.

“I know the policies of this administration are not particularly popular with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, but that’s the reality, and let’s see what we can do within that framework,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told frustrated agents in January.

“The Democrats love illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the laws,” remarked Senator Rand Paul.

Although Title 42 — the policy that prevents most illegals from entering the U.S. during the pandemic — is still in force, it won’t be for long. Indeed, it hardly matters. Border apprehensions are hovering at around 200,000 a month with an unknown number of “gotaways.” The CBP says 500,000 “gotaways” have crossed the border this year.

And we’ve already shattered the record for border apprehensions with two months to go until the end of the fiscal year.

Senator Paul thinks the only policy that makes sense is a “zero-tolerance” policy.

Paul explained his idea for a zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigration.

“Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back on the other side of the river immediately.”

Paul suggested a compromise by increasing the methods for lawful immigration in order to crack down on illegal immigration.

“We should put more resources to allow more people to come and apply in a normal fashion at the port of entry. But I would have zero tolerance. And once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe 50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month.”

It goes without saying that such a plan is a nonstarter with this administration. With Biden in thrall to open-borders fanatics, it’s not likely there will be any attempt at any kind of enforcement any time soon.

Source: PJ Media

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