Despite Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s troubling record of leniency for child sex offenders and her inability to define what a woman is, the Senate voted to confirm her to the Supreme Court on Thursday.

Jackson’s narrow confirmation of 53-47 was supported by Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah, who were not swayed by her troubling record or her support of critical race theory.

Despite being in close contact with a number of Democrats who have tested positive for COVID in the past two days, Kamala Harris presided over the Senate vote.

“On this vote, the yays are 53. The nays are 47 and this nomination is confirmed,” Harris said, upon the completion of the vote.

For our VIP Subscribers: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation Hearings Confirmed Our Worst Fears

“Biden’s pick Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, activist judge, one who failed to answer simple questions on her record, including leniency for child porn offenders and support of CRT,” Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement. “Jackson has proved to be in lockstep with the far left’s political agenda, even refusing to define what a woman is. The RNC will hold Democrats accountable this November for supporting Biden’s radical pick.”

Lisa Murkowski is up for re-election in November. Mitt Romney is up for re-election in 2024. Susan Collins was just re-elected in 2020 and won’t face the voters in her state again until 2026.

Just in case you were wondering.

Source: PJ Media

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