The warning signs are all over the place that a second Joe Biden presidential run could spell disaster for the Democrats — not to mention the rest of the country. Polls have shown time and time again that Americans aren’t happy with what he’s doing to the country.

It may be worse than anybody thought. A new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll came out Friday with blisteringly bad numbers for the Biden administration. The biggest takeaway from this poll is that a whopping 71% of those surveyed don’t want Joe Biden to make a second run at the Oval Office. Interestingly enough, 61% of those surveyed also said they didn’t want Donald Trump to run in 2024.

The reasons for not wanting a second Biden term vary wildly among voters.

“Among the contingent of respondents who believe the president should not run, 45 percent said Biden should not make another bid because he is a bad president, while about one-third of respondents said he is too old and about one-quarter said because it is time for a change,” reports The Hill.

Dang! Nearly half of those surveyed say that Biden shouldn’t run again because he’s a bad president. His approval rating in the poll was a dismal 38%. Since only 29% want him to run again, that means that there are 9% who approve of him yet still don’t want a second term. It doesn’t get much more painful than that.

Voters aren’t sure about Biden’s mental fitness, with 60% saying he isn’t mentally fit and 62% saying he’s too old to be president.

When asked about the Jan. 6 commission, just over half of those surveyed cast doubts on the impartiality of the commission.

Nearly two-thirds of voters believe that Congress should focus on other issues than the Jan. 6 riot. Slightly over half believe that the riot was a peaceful protest that took a violent turn, but 61% also hold that groups like the Proud Boys pre-planned some of the action that day.

Pollsters surveyed registered voters on a host of other issues. Seven in ten believe that the country is on the wrong track, and a similar percentage of voters think the economy is going in the wrong direction. Nearly two-thirds believe that their personal financial situation is getting worse as well.

A plurality of those surveyed express pessimism about the state of the economy over the next year. Thirty-nine percent of them think that the U.S. is already in a recession, while 49% say that the country will enter a recession in the next year.

While just over half of voters disagree with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, only 31% believe that Congress should codify abortion rights nationwide. A plurality believes that legislatures should set abortion policy in each state. Voters are split on the effect that the decision will have on the midterms.

A majority think that the Democrats are wrong to call the Supreme Court illegitimate, and 62% say that it’s wrong for protesters to demonstrate at the homes of justices. Three-fifths of those surveyed support companies paying for abortion-related travel as well. Voters are divided on gun policy issues and Ukraine.

Check out the full results from the poll:

Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll by PJ Media on Scribd

Source: PJ Media

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