There is perhaps no better representative of America’s spirit than the rebels of the road, American truckers. So it makes perfect sense that they would be at the forefront of organizing an anti-vaccine mandate caravan that will start in California sometime next month and roll into Washington, D.C. some weeks later.

Although Joe Biden’s national mandate was defeated in the Supreme Court, many individual companies are still demanding employees get vaccinated. In addition, both the U.S. and Canadian governments currently require truckers to be vaccinated in order to traverse our common border. The goal of the rolling protest will simply be to make being injected with a vaccine an individual choice, mandated by no one. This is the essence of what it means to be an American — individuals making their own choices, using their own judgment about whether something is in their best interest or not, without a “by your leave” from the government or anyone else.

Legal Insurrection:

“We are part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers. We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place.. God Bless America,” the page reads.

The Facebook page where the above quote originally appeared has been taken down by the censors for unknown reasons. At the time it was removed, more than 139,000 people had joined the group.

It’s hoped that Joe Biden won’t make the same ghastly mistake that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made when he tried to portray the truckers who drove to Parliament Hill in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa, as racist yahoos.

The only problem is that those “racists” are feeding the homeless in Ottawa.

“There is no place in our country for threats, violence or hatred,” said Trudeau, adding that the convoy was “not representative of a majority of truckers, 90 percent of whom are vaccinated.”

But there’s plenty of room for a prime minister who appeared in blackface.

We can expect the efforts to nip this convoy in the bud to continue and intensify. This will only make the convoy bigger. Americans hate being told to sit down and shut up. Anyone seen a school board meeting lately?

Source: PJ Media

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