Many criticized Joe Biden for promising during his presidential campaign that, if given the chance, he’d nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court, effectively making his eventual nominee an affirmative action pick. This pick would forever have to live with the perception that she was chosen primarily for reasons of identity, not her qualifications.

And Biden came through on his promise, but Democrats don’t seem to care about fixing that perception.

Senator Cory Booker, for example, can’t even discuss the nominee’s qualifications without mentioning her race and gender.

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During Monday’s confirmation hearing, Booker seemed just a little too excited when talking about Ketanji Brown Jackson — because of her being a black woman.

“Today, to me, is a day of joy, and I cannot tell you how happy I am,” Booker enthused. “Today, we should rejoice because President Biden nominated someone that we’ve heard [sic] to be the 116th associate judge of the Supreme Court, who is extraordinarily talented, and who also happens to be a black woman — something we’ve never seen before.”

Someone get this man a towel and a change of pants. Seriously, would it be so difficult for Booker (or any Democrat) to speak of Jackson without mentioning her race and gender like it’s a novelty that matters more than anything else? Amy Coney Barrett managed to get praised by Republicans for her brilliance without making her being a woman the most important aspect of her nomination. Give it a shot, Dems — let Jackson’s record do the talking, not her race and gender.

Source: PJ Media

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