The President of the United States is the most protected person in the country. Especially in the era of COVID-19, anyone who gets remotely close to the president is known in advance and tested for COVID.

Contact tracing has long been a means for us to help control the spread and is still recommended by the CDC.

There is no reason to believe that the White House knows who Biden caught COVID from — but they aren’t telling us.

When reporters asked Dr. Ashish Jha, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, during a press briefing how Biden caught COVID, Jha said he didn’t know, and Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, interrupted to say that it’s not important.

“Look, I don’t think that that matters, right?” Jean-Pierre said. “I think what matters is we prepared for this moment.”

Doesn’t matter? I guess contact tracing is only important for us little people, right? We’re the only ones who have to follow the rules? Is that how it went down when Trump caught COVID? Nope… we got article after article raising questions about how he caught COVID, endless finger-pointing, blaming him for being “reckless” during the pandemic. Now, all of a sudden, contract tracing isn’t important, and how Biden got COVID doesn’t matter.

Okay, sure.

Now, why don’t they tell us what it is they really don’t want us to know?

Source: PJ Media

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