A Denver public elementary school system is planning on teaching gender and race sensitivity lessons using Black Lives Matter’s “13 Guiding Principles” as a model.

Included in the “13 Guiding Principles” of Black Lives Matter is “the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other,” as well as lessons in “transgender affirming” and “queer affirming” for the five and six-year-olds.

The school says “All discussions were grounded in children’s literature, using text such as Jed’s Barbershop, Julian is a Mermaid, The Other Side, The Colors of Us and The Skin You Live In, to name a few.”

Fox News:

“It is preposterous and wholly inappropriate to teach 5 and 6 year olds that they must commit to being trans affirming and queer affirming and in favor of disrupting the nuclear family,” Erika Sanzi, Director of Outreach at Parents Defending Education, told Fox News in a statement. “This is indoctrination at any age but it borders on abuse with students this young. If a parent wants to raise these subjects at home, that is one thing but in a classroom, it is nothing more than social engineering and a theft of childhood by the state.”

Those 13 Guiding Principles have been carefully scrubbed after they first came to light.

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” the website formerly read.

Other principles using far more incendiary language have also been removed. What remains, as the parents point out, is harmful enough.

“Our goal is not to teach children what to think; rather expose them to different perspectives and opinions so that they learn to value and respect diversity,” the school says. “As recent as this June, the U.S. government identified that supporting BLM is not political.”

The FAQ also explains that it’s “never too early” to teach children about these topics and that the school is “not promoting the BLM organization.”

“Instead, we are using the BLM Principles to drive kid friendly conversations about the importance of valuing and respecting diversity,” the school said.

This same school was hit by a civil rights complaint after a “families of color playground night” was sponsored by the school that included segregating children based on their color.

How very woke of them.

You wouldn’t expect the school to teach white radicalism in class. So why teach black radicalism? This notion that BLM is “not political” or that it’s “mainstream” is ludicrous. Forget the support for gender-bending instruction, and the hard socialist indoctrination. This is thinly disguised radical social revolution, and parents have every right to demand an end to it — along with the firing of any teacher or administrator who supports exposing six-year-old children to this nonsense.

Source: PJ Media

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