In December, Chris Cuomo was fired from CNN following an internal investigation of his actions involving his brother’s defense, which CNN claimed violated the journalistic standards of the network. This seemed like an unlikely explanation, given CNN’s notable lack of journalist standards. But there was the hint that something else had been uncovered, too.

“With information in the texts and documents pointing to a serious breach of CNN standards, Cuomo was notified of his termination on Saturday,” CNN’s Brian Stelter reported at the time. “The CNN statement on Saturday also referred to ‘additional information [that] has come to light’ during the review of the document dump. A CNN spokesperson declined to share any further detail about the information.”

According to a report on Tuesday from the New York Times, CNN fired Cuomo after they learned he allegedly sexually attacked a female temp at ABC News after she rejected his advance.

“The accusation was made to CNN lawyers in December hours after Cuomo was suspended for advising his brother, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo, how to dodge his own sexual harassment accusations,” the NYT reported. Cuomo was fired a few days later.

The unnamed accuser came forward after Cuomo was suspended. The accuser’s lawyer, Debra Katz, detailed the allegations in a letter to CNN.

The letter “relayed a story that had begun in 2011 when the woman, who was referred to as Jane Doe, was a young temporary ABC employee hoping for a full-time job,” explained the New York Times. “One day, after Mr. Cuomo, an anchor, had offered her career advice, he invited her to lunch in his office, according to the letter, interviews with the woman and emails between her and Mr. Cuomo. When she arrived, there was no food. Instead, Mr. Cuomo badgered her for sex, and after she declined, he assaulted her, she said. She ran out of the room.”

At the height of the #MeToo movement, Cuomo contacted the woman out of the blue, in an apparent attempt to “discourage her from going on the record about his sexual misconduct.”

Cuomo denies the allegations. A spokesperson for Cuomo told Fox News Digital that he was never asked about the allegations prior to being terminated or given an opportunity to respond to the allegations.”

Cuomo is not the only current or former CNN anchor accused of sexual misconduct. Anchor Don Lemon has been accused of sexual assault and will soon face a jury trial.

Source: PJ Media

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