Donald Trump had a rally Saturday night in Commerce, Georgia, and was joined by several GOP representatives, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL). When Gaetz spoke, he once again floated the idea of Donald Trump being elected speaker of the House.

“Give us the ability to fire Nancy Pelosi, take back the majority, impeach Joe Biden, and I’m going to nominate Donald Trump for Speaker of the United States House of Representatives!”

The crowd certainly loved the idea, and this isn’t the first time Gaetz has talked about it. However, Trump has gone on record saying that while he finds the idea interesting, it is not something “I would have considered.”

That said, it would almost be worth it to make the heads explode on the left. But Trump is going to announce his 2024 intentions sometime after the 2022 midterms, and it is widely expected that he plans to run for president again. This would likely put being speaker of the House off the table if he were actually interested in the position—which I really don’t think he would be.

Still, the idea of driving the left crazy having Trump with the speaker’s gavel would be pretty awesome.

Source: PJ Media

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