Hannah Tubbs, a 26-year-old transgender who pleaded guilty to molesting a 10-year-old girl, was heard on a jailhouse recording gloating over the light sentence he received for the 2014 crime.

“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says in one phone call with his father. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”

That’s because Tubbs was two weeks shy of his 18th birthday at the time of the offense, and the new policies put in place by Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon prohibited placing “children” under 18 on trial as adults.

After being arrested about eight years after the crime, Tubbs pulled a switcheroo on genders and went from being known as a male called James Tubbs to being known as Hannah Tubbs.

The sentence has caused an uproar in Los Angeles.

Fox News:

She received a sentence of two years at a juvenile facility because Gascon’s office declined to transfer the case to adult court, adhering to one of the progressive prosecutor’s day-one directives barring “children” from being tried as adults. She could serve as little as six months and won’t have to register as a sex offender.

Tubbs’ victim, who was 10 at the time of the attack, told Fox News Digital that Gascon’s handling of the case has been “insulting” and “unfair” to her.

It’s hard to imagine the pain being felt by that young woman, who apparently remembers the whole nauseating incident.

“The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible for a ten-year-old girl to have to go through,” she said. “I want him tried as an adult for the crimes he committed against me.”

She said the light sentence was offensive and hurtful and offered her “no true justice.”

“I’ve also heard that my attacker goes by she/them pronouns now,” she added. “I see it also unfair to try him as a woman as well, seeing how he clearly didn’t act like one on January 1st of 2014.”

Tubbs also made explicit remarks about the victim which are “unfit to print,” according to Fox News.

A ten-year-old little girl.

Gascon refuses to acknowledge that his office made a mistake but says that if they had known of the cavalier attitude toward the crime by Tubbs, they would have “handled the case differently.”

“Like every responsible office, we learn as we go, take feedback from the community, and make necessary adjustments based on our experiences and the complex nature of this work,” he said, adding that “a small number of cases” necessitate flexibility denied to his prosecutors under his edicts.

“Specifically, we learned a lot from the Hannah Tubbs case about the need for a policy safety valve,” Gascon said.

Gascon’s office has now backpedaled on the policy of not prosecuting juveniles under any circumstances as well as several other controversial policies that has criminals and perverts like Tubbs rejoicing.

The story gets even more incredible.

“Ms. Tubbs had several charges in other counties after the juvenile offense but never received any services which both her past behavior and that subsequent to her arrest demonstrates she clearly needs,” Gascon said. “After her sentencing in our case, I became aware of extremely troubling statements she made about her case, the resolution of it and the young girl that she harmed.”

Gascon’s office is denying they knew of Tubbs’ attitude toward the sentencing and his victims. But Fox News reports that the prosecutor in the case had those tapes in November — well before sentencing.

Jesus wept.

Source: PJ Media

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