An ongoing joke is that every time a Democrat uses the inane faculty lounge term “Latinx,” a Hispanic Republican is born.

Hispanics in the real world dislike “Latinx” so much that even a progressive congressman is abandoning it.

It’s embarrassing and telling, and yet there’s more.

“BIPOC” — the intersectional acronym that gained popularity among rioting left-wing hooligans last summer — may also be on the outs.

BIPOC is a concoction that stands for “Black, Indigenous People of Color,” and the Toronto Star‘s “race and gender columnist” now recommends ending its use.

When a radical writer who believes soccer penalty kicks are racist opines on something, folks who retweet bigoted lunacy from The Nation listen.

After ranting about police brutality and how “Black and Indigenous people are treated more unjustly than just about anyone else in our criminal justice system,” Shree Paradkar spends part of her 1,150 words noting:

“BIPOC got swallowed up, quickly lost nuance and got spat out at a racial identifier to say ‘not white.’ Colonized lands that grapple with human rights face a perpetual puzzle: What to name ‘the other’ without saying ‘the other?’ It has led to a long-standing tension on this continent, a tension between a racial identity and a political one, a tension between the labels white people want to apply versus how people identify themselves. “

Ah, nuance and colonized lands.  So far, so many woke clichés.

But, she persisted:

“Words matter, and they are tricky. They swim in the sociological waters around them, meaning one thing at one point in time and something else the next. Those sociological realities have now claimed the term BIPOC like they do other racial designations that are rooted not just in history but also prejudice.

“It’s true that some people are simply anxious to keep up with the terminology to signal support for anti-racism, but when they do so without paying attention to the nuance of those terms, and flatten our identities and conflate the unique struggles of different groups, they replicate the problem the terminology is trying to eradicate. I am done. Bye, bye BIPOC.”

This may be all gobbledygook from bored people, but coming from a hard-left writer in Canada’s largest and most liberal city, maybe a few folks will continue the internecine purge.

Surveys show non-white voters do not line up policy wise with the hokum many Democrat leaders support. It’s an example of how far away from earth the liberal Twitter bubble can expand.

Source: PJ Media

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