Remember when Kamala Harris tried to explain the Russia/Ukraine conflict in layman’s terms?

“Ukraine is a country in Europe,” she said. “It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine, so basically, that’s wrong.”

It was hard to wrap our heads around why she gave such an airheaded explanation. I speculated that Kamala, despite being the vice president, doesn’t have the slightest idea why Russia invaded Ukraine. Could I have been wrong? Perhaps; maybe she just assumed that her audience was a bunch of four-year-olds.

But now the jig is up. While speaking at the DNC Winter Meeting on Saturday, Kamala Harris appeared to suggest that Ukraine was part of NATO.

“So I will say what I know we all say, and I will say over and over again: The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO Alliance.”

It’s hard to believe anyone doesn’t know that Ukraine isn’t part of NATO at this point. Seriously, she hasn’t figured that out yet? Maybe she doesn’t understand what NATO is or how it works?

The White House posted her remarks as delivered, with a subtle correction:

So I will say what I know we all say, and I will say over and over again: The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people [and] in defense of the NATO Alliance.

Did she simply misspeak and miss a word from her prepared remarks? I doubt it. This feels like an ad-lib because of the part where she says, “So I will say what I know we all say, and I will say over and over again.” If that was actually in her prepared remarks, then her speechwriter needs to be fired.

From where I sit, the evidence suggests that Kamala Harris was unaware that Ukraine is not part of NATO. Keep in mind, she just returned from her trip to Europe, so there’s really no excuse for her being so ignorant.

Especially since she’s the vice president.

Pray for our country.

Source: PJ Media

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