Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has never been shy when it comes to attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci. He’s accused Fauci of abandoning science and embracing theatrics at the expense of our freedom and called for his firing. On Monday, Paul made another assault on the physician-politician by introducing an amendment that would eliminate Fauci’s position as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and also decentralize the institute.

Can I get an “Amen”?

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Paul argues that no one person should be able to act as “dictator-in-chief” in the name of public health.

“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person should be deemed ‘dictator-in-chief,’” Paul said in a statement announcing the proposed amendment. “No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans.”

Paul says his amendment, which would divide NIAID into three separate national research institutes, is necessary to “create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer funded position that has largely abused its power, and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Under Paul’s proposal, NIAID would be divided into the National Institute of Allergic Diseases, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, and the National Institute of Immunologic Diseases. Each would have its own director, which would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a 5-year term. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984.

“In all my years studying and practicing medicine, I had never encountered someone with the gall to proclaim himself ‘the science’ and portray anyone opposing him as ‘attacking science.’ That is, until Dr. Fauci became the COVID dictator-in-chief,” Paul wrote in a piece for Fox News Digital.

Source: PJ Media

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