Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced that he would bus illegal aliens captured in Texas and drop them off in Washington, D.C. — if they were willing to go. He also said that because Biden’s border policies weren’t working he would initiate tougher inspections of trucks looking to enter Texas from Mexico.

In both instances, Abbott has triumphed in the PR war between Washington and the state of Texas.

The Biden administration has halted the practice of dropping recently captured illegals off in some smaller communities. And, as promised, the first busload of illegals was dropped off in Washington a short distance from the Capitol.

Fox News:

The bus pulled up at approximately 8 a.m. local time, blocks away from the U.S. Capitol building. Fox News has learned that they came from the Del Rio sector in Texas, after coming to the U.S. from Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Upon the bus’s arrival in Washington, D.C., individuals disembarked one by one except for family units who exited together. They checked in with officials and had wristbands they were wearing cut off before being told they could go.

So what if it’s a PR stunt, as White House press spokesman Jen Psaki called it? It’s working, so yes please, let’s have more of it, immediately, right now. Biden has been full of PR stunts lately, including trying to convince Americans that it’s “Putin’s gas crisis” that’s causing the sky-high fuel costs. Few are buying it, so how about a little less PR from our president and more action?

Over the weekend, the backup of trucks as a result of Abbott’s inspection orders reached 12 hours or more. The move angered a lot of Texans, and Democratic candidate for governor Beto O’Rourke tried to stir the pot over the delays.


“It’s going to be very bad for the Texas economy. It’s going to be very bad for the national economy,” O’Rourke said during a news conference inside an empty cold-storage warehouse in the border community of Pharr.

The former congressman from El Paso who will face Abbott in the November election was joined by two South Texans who said their livelihoods have been upended as trucks seeking to bring produce and manufactured goods into Texas are waiting in the rigs for up to 16 hours while each truck awaits a 45-minute inspection.

Texans aren’t affected by the slowdown anyway, and most of them know what Abbott is trying to accomplish. O’Rourke is fishing for votes in a dry hole.

There are some reports claiming 100 more buses will be on the way shortly. That doesn’t sound realistic, but Fox News is reporting that at least one additional bus will arrive near the Capitol today.

Keep ’em coming, Greg.

Source: PJ Media

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