Because everything Joe Biden touches turns to absolute garbage, his decision to hastily withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan without any real plan in place may have merely created a situation where they’ll have to return.

Leon Panetta, who was both secretary of Defense and the director of the CIA under Barack Obama, had an assessment of the situation when he spoke to CNN on Thursday night that no one in the Biden administration wanted to hear.

The New York Post:

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says US troops will need to go back into combat in Afghanistan — as the region remains on high alert for more suicide attacks, with the death toll from Thursday’s atrocity soaring over 180, including 13 US service members.

“We’re going to have to go back in to get ISIS,” Panetta told CNN, calling Thursday’s twin suicide blasts by the reinvigorated terrorist group “Joe Biden’s worst nightmare.”

“We’re probably going to have to go back in when al Qaeda resurrects itself, as they will, with this Taliban,” he predicted.

Remember, when the puppet president finally got around to explaining his decision, all he could really come up with was that we originally went into Afghanistan to get rid of al Qaeda, which we did.

Temporarily, it would seem.

After 20 years, it appears that we may soon have the terrorist trifecta of the Taliban, ISIS, and al Qaeda roaming around Afghanistan as if we were never there. Panetta offered some clarification that may have eluded the struggling Biden brain trust:

“I understand that we’re trying to get our troops out of there, but the bottom line is, we can leave a battlefield, but we can’t leave the war on terrorism, which still is a threat to our security,” he told CNN.

This sad, sad story is far from over, despite the wishes of our emotion-based foreign policy architects. These geniuses probably just ensured that it will drag on even longer.

I cannot wait until some adults are back in charge of this country.

Source: PJ Media

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