Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall was injured and hospitalized while working to gather information in Ukraine. Fox News released a statement regarding Hall.

An hour ago we had an alert and update for you, now this from the Chief Executive Officer of FOX News, Suzanne Scott, who sent a message to the network today saying earlier today our correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured while newsgathering outside of Kyiv in Ukraine. We have a minimal level of details right now, but Ben is hospitalized and our teams on the ground are working to gather additional information as the situation quickly unfolds. The safety of our entire team of journalists in Ukraine and the surrounding regions is our top priority and of the utmost importance. This is a stark reminder for all journalists who are putting their lives on the line every day to deliver the news from the war zone. We will update everyone as we know more. Please keep Ben and his family in your prayers.”

This news came soon after the news that another American journalist, Brent Renaud, was killed while covering the war in Ukraine. Renaud worked for the New York Times. 

The White House addressed the sad events, with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki offering the president’s thoughts and prayers. “In terms of next steps or what the consequences would be,” Psaki said. “We don’t have anything to preview for you.”

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has instructions for news organizations or others covering wars and offers information for how to get help if journalists are under attack. Families are encouraged to contact the ICRC if one of their journalist family members is wounded or missing while covering a conflict.

Media professionals who are directly attacked, or who disappear or are taken captive in wartime or in other violence, are of great concern to the ICRC. Since 1985 we have had a permanent hotline (+41 79 217 32 85) available to journalists who find themselves in trouble in armed conflicts. This is a purely humanitarian service. Not only journalists, but also their employers and relatives can use the hotline (or contact staff in one of our offices across the world or write us at [email protected]) to report a missing, wounded, or detained journalist and request assistance. The services provided by the ICRC range from seeking confirmation of a reported arrest, obtaining access to persons arrested, providing information on a journalist’s whereabouts for relatives and employers, maintaining family links, actively tracing missing journalists, to carrying out medical evacuations of wounded journalists.

The ICRC also offers training in international humanitarian law, and provides support for National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies offering first-aid courses for journalists.

Source: PJ Media

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