Both Republican and Democratic voters are telling pollsters that they want a politician to fight for them — fight against the other side, for the most part. Being a “strong leader” is now being defined as how cutting your attacks against your opponents are.
Ron DeSantis went after the Walt Disney Company, much to the delight of the Republican right. He has also taken on the education establishment in a big way, causing much angst among teachers and their radical supporters.
This has elevated him to the number one choice of Republicans for president in 2024 if Donald Trump doesn’t run. Conservatives like a fighter, and DeSantis gives them that in spades.
The Democrats are dealing with the dilemma of a failing president who has exhibited signs of dementia and whose energy — and perhaps his heart — isn’t in the battle. There’s no shortage of Democrats who want to replace him in 2024. The question is, who has the moxie to go toe-to-toe with Trump — or DeSantis?
In recent weeks, California Governor Gavin Newsom has shown Democrats that he may be the guy who can carry the fight to Republicans. He’s been downright nasty to DeSantis and, with the end of Roe, he’s been proclaiming California an abortion sanctuary against the “hate” of anti-abortion states.
And Newsom is putting his money where his mouth is — $1.65 billion to draw film and TV productions from anti-abortion states.
Fox Business:
If the bill passes, it will provide $1.65 billion, or $330 million annually, in tax credits to the film and TV industry, as well as other media productions. The initial bill was set to expire in 2025 before Newsom’s proposed extension.
“As other states roll back people’s rights, California will continue to protect fundamental freedoms for all and welcome businesses that stand up for their employees,” he said in a statement.
“Extending this program will help ensure California’s world-renowned entertainment industry continues to drive economic growth with good jobs and a diverse, inclusive workforce.”
Newsom sent out a Tweet in time for Independence Day that sure sounded like he was running for president.
We’re about to celebrate Independence Day — but Freedom is under attack by Republican leaders in states like Florida.
Banning books.
Restricting speech.
Making it harder to vote.
Criminalizing women and doctors.
It’s time to stand up. Don’t let them take your freedom.— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 3, 2022
It’s interesting that the governor of the state that’s the home of cancel culture would be criticizing any state for a lack of freedom.
“Today more than ever, you have a responsibility to take stock of your values — and those of your employees — when doing business in those states,” Newsom wrote.
Does Newsom really want to go to war over “values”? Hope so.
In 2019, Georgia passed legislation that banned abortions after a heartbeat was detected. Companies such as Netflix, Disney, WarnerMedia, NBCUniversal, AMC, Sony, CBS and Viacom threatened to leave the state if the law followed through.
After the initial backlash, studios continued to shoot in Georgia and other states that take a stance against abortion rights. About 100,000 people have jobs in the film industry in Georgia alone, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
California is boycotting so many states that they may be able to cut their travel budget to nothing if they keep it up. But it might be interesting to ask Newsom this question if he runs for president:
Would you be president of all 50 states or just the pro-abortion states?
Source: PJ Media