Many of us have been wondering why the United States is participating in the Olympics being held in Beijing, China this year. After suffering through two years of a devastating pandemic that came to us directly from China and brought with it communist-like regulations to our once-free nation, our response was to … reward them with our attention, ratings, athletes, and positive news coverage.

Governor Ron DeSantis thinks it’s stupid, too. During an exclusive interview with FOX News Digital in Tallahassee, Fla. on Monday, Gov. Ron DeSantis said that it is a “mistake” that American athletes are competing in the 2020 Winter Olympic Games, underway in Beijing, China. DeSantis also said the administration’s diplomatic boycott does not go far enough to stand up to America’s geopolitical foe.

“It’s a mistake that the United States is competing. This is a genocide Olympics,” he said.

The corporate news agencies came under his scrutiny too. “And the thing is, you see these, the broadcast on NBC where they’re whitewashing this stuff. You look at these corporate sponsors that are signing up on that. You know, they will blow, these corporations in America and they’ll blow a gasket, you know, for these small issues in the United States,” he continued. “But yet they’re willing to underwrite games of the country that’s committing genocide.”

DeSantis did not mince words, saying, “I think it’s a disgrace, what’s going on. But I think the terrible ratings are a recognition that a lot of Americans realize that this is just wrong, and I think they’ve lost interest in it, and I think it’s unfortunate because I think we’ve got a lot of great athletes, but you know, to participate in this charade and acting like China is some, some normal country. You know, I think it’s really been disgraceful.”

China is definitely not a “normal country” that we should be supporting in any way. The genocide of the Uyghur Muslims is a topic that corporate sponsors like Proctor and Gamble are avoiding while at the same time blabbering about “systemic racism” in America. Fox Business has a great breakdown of P&G’s notable silence on Chinese genocide but nauseating prolific opining when it comes to complaining about Republican policies in America.

Last February, the company launched its Disrupt and Dismantle campaign, declaring, “racial inequality is the inescapable reality of America” and that “systemic racism” needs “to be challenged, confronted and changed.”…

In July, executives from P&G and several other Olympic sponsors were grilled by lawmakers of the bipartisan Congressional-Executive Commission on China on whether they’re putting profits above people.

In his testimony, P&G executive Sean Mulvaney affirmed the company’s “commitment to respecting and prioritizing human rights” but did not mention the Chinese government or allegations of genocide.

I haven’t been able to stomach one minute of the Olympics, not only because the Chinese government is an evil empire but because the COVID-19 pandemic that has crippled our economy and devastated our way of life and our children’s childhoods is China’s fault, and they have not only not been held accountable but our country appears to be rewarding them in spite of the damage they’ve done to our people. Let’s Go Brandon! 

Not in this house, and not in this column will I devote one inch of time or space to providing positive coverage of sporting events held in a country that wants us all dead from either COVID-19 or the fentanyl being shipped here that is killing over 40,000 Americans per year. No thank you. America can send a message to China in spite of our feckless leadership: turn it off. Tank the ratings.

On another note, look how well the commies are treating our athletes. They must be wondering what they did to deserve this Olympics from hell. Fyre Fest had better food than this. The Daily Mail reports that athletes are being dragged off to isolation camps in the middle of the night after testing positive for COVID-19.

There are currently 387 people from the athletes’ bubble in Covid isolation in China, though this also includes members of their teams and press. The exact number of competitors in solitary is not clear, but is thought to be in the dozens.

Vincent Zhou, an American figure skater and medal hopeful, was among athletes to test positive on Monday and was taken to isolation. Austrian snowboarder Sabine Schöffmann also tested positive.

Jukka Jalonen, head of Finland’s ice hockey team, said on Sunday that China is violating the human rights of one of his star players by keeping him in isolation despite team doctors clearing him to play.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any place I’d rather avoid more than a communist isolation camp. Good work, Joe Biden.

Bring our athletes home NOW. What a disgrace.

Source: PJ Media

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