You Down With CCP?

Should an eight-term member of the House of Representatives–who is on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support Subcommittee–be buying into Chinese Communist Party (CCP) companies?

If you answered YES, you are probably Vermont Rep. Peter Welch.

Welch is just the latest United States politician to get caught with his hands in the cookie commie jar. Welch’s financial data shows that on March 15, 2019, he bought roughly $15,000 worth of shares in two Chinese funds, KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A ETF and KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF. ETF stands for “exchange-traded funds.”

One of the funds, KraneShares CSI ETF, holds a stake in a technology platform company that censors users on behalf of the CCP. The company, Tencent, which has been flagged by the U.S. State Department as a “tool of the Chinese government,” accounts for the fund’s largest investment.

Tencent has “no meaningful ability to tell the Chinese Communist Party ‘no’ if officials decide to ask for their assistance” and provides “a foundation of technology-facilitated surveillance and social control” as part of the Chinese government’s broader crusade “to shape the world consistent with its authoritarian model,” the State Department stated.

How is it that Peter Welch can represent his state of Vermont vs. China when he holds a financial stake in two Chinese funds? Maybe the people of Vermont should ask themselves that.

Look Over There, Not Over Here

Here is the kicker on Welch: He was an over-the-top “Trump-Russia collusion” bootlicker.

“There is evidence of Trump campaign officials having direct contact with Russian officials, and we know Russia hacked the DNC files and doled out stolen information with the goal of aiding the Trump campaign. So the question is, what is the Russian connection?” Welch states in a YouTube video, before calling for a “no-holds-barred investigation of the links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.”

“There is a mountain of evidence we cannot ignore. Investigate now, investigate fully,” declared Welch. Robert Mueller did just that and came up with a goose egg. Where was that evidence, Mr. Welch? Or were you just trying to keep the focus off of yourself?

Looks Like Welch Has Been a Chinese Puppet for a Long Time

Well, well, well—the link is no longer working. Huh…

Hey, this damning link no longer works either. Weird, right?

There Oughta Be a Law

Yes, it should be illegal for America’s elected officials to take one red cent from the CCP. I started a petition for Congress to enact such a law. Please sign it.

Source: PJ Media

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