There has been a ton of speculation about whether Donald Trump will seek the Republican nomination again in 2024. Polls have shown he’d be the frontrunner if he does, and he’s previously indicated that he’s been thinking about it. But, in an interview with Sean Hannity on Wednesday, Trump gave the strongest indication yet that he’ll run again.

“Let me ask you this,” Hannity began. “Without giving the answer—what the answer is… have you made up your mind?”

“Yes,” Trump replied, and the audience applauded.

The audience clearly believed that Trump’s response meant he has decided to run again, though we can’t be totally sure. While Trump remains popular in the party, there are varying opinions on whether Trump should run again or not. My PJ Media colleague Tyler O’Neil, for example, thinks Trump’s best play is to sit out 2024 and use his prestige to be a kingmaker for conservative candidates.

That said, Trump is being set up to win big in 2024 if he runs by none other than Joe Biden, who took the most secure southern border in history and created a huge crisis. Illegal border crossings plummeted during the Trump administration—an undeniable result of Trump’s zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigrants. The border wall also proved to be successful in blocking illegal crossings. However, under Biden, illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to six times what the Obama administration deemed crisis-level, as immigrants began flooding here after the election, believing Biden would deliver on amnesty.

At the Donna, Texas, migrant facility, cages (rebranded as “pods” by the Biden administration) designed to hold 32 are holding over 600 migrant children each. Children are being forced to sleep on floors and go several days without showering. They’re also not adequately fed. There are also reports of sexual assaults of migrant children in Biden’s facilities.

Biden also seems intent to reverse anything Trump did just because Trump did it, be it peace in the Middle East or deporting sex offenders back to Mexico. Biden’s incompetence and failure to acknowledge the border crisis are playing right into Trump’s hands. If Trump wants the GOP nomination, he’ll be seen as the candidate most likely to fix it.

Source: PJ Media

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