The appearance of graft in the form of bribery just wasn’t enough for Hunter Biden and his alleged art.

Now Fox reveals that the dealer behind Hunter Biden’s “art” sale has his own ties to China.

Georges Berges, who is representing Hunter Biden as he ventures into the art world, has talked about his business dealings in China in the past, but his reported ties could pose an ethics issue as he sells Biden’s art to anonymous buyers.


Berges said in a 2015 interview with Resident that he wanted to be the art world’s leader in China.

“My plan is to be the lead guy in China; the lead collector and art dealer discovering and nurturing talent from that region,” Berges said. “I plan to find and discover and bring to the rest of the world those I consider China’s next generation of modern artists.”

He also said that that he believes “China’s economy is transforming the global economy and everything is changing because of a rising China,” and that he was fascinated by “cultural impact” China is “having on the world.”

Hunter Biden’s laptop files revealed that he has had a longstanding financial relationship with a Chinese energy company — a field in which Biden has no experience or expertise — and that his father Joe Biden was aware and in on the deal.

It seems all roads to the Bidens’ wallet lead through Beijing.

Berges’ reported ties to China and the anonymity of the buyers could pose a potential ethics problem, especially with the younger Biden’s prodigal relationship with President Biden.

Anonymous buyers could have ties to the Chinese Communist Party and could attempt to buy influence in the Biden administration through the art purchases.

The Biden regime keeps saying the buyers for Hunter’s “art” will be kept anonymous. That doesn’t help. Neither does Hunter admitting that he will meet with them. The potential is there for literally anyone – Xi Jinping, George Soros, the Iranian ayatollah, just about anyone — to funnel money directly into the Bidens’ bank account and then let them know on the sly that they’ve done so. Kamala Harris was also named in Hunter Biden’s files in connection with the Chinese energy company. That should be investigated but of course it won’t be, unless someone behind the scenes gets the idea that she needs to go.

A media that’s capable of doing its job would hound the Bidens until this “art” sale never happens. But that’s not on the cards. The media doesn’t care, plus they’re aware that social media platforms are likely to censor stories about this anyway. No clicks, no interest.

Besides all of this, Hunter Biden’s “art” is not worth anything close to the prices being discussed.

Source: PJ Media

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