The 118th Session of the U.S. Congress is scheduled to convene at noon on Jan. 3, 2023. Republicans are all but certain to win back control in November, and GOP House leadership is prepping to go hard after Hunter Biden and his family’s corruption right out of the gate.

The story of Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell — which was known to officials and the media months before the 2020 presidential election but was suppressed and covered up by government, media, and tech operatives — is the absolute worst example of election interference in most Americans’ lifetimes. This is the sort of thing we mean when we talk about a “rigged” election. It cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

The contents of the laptop detailed international wheeling and dealing undertaken by Hunter Biden during the Obama administration, with the understanding that his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, would get his 10% for “the big guy.” Hunter apparently received massive payments from both Ukrainian and Russian intermediaries, meaning that now-President Biden is a compromised leader and a national security threat.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), chair of the House Republican Conference, is in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., leading the Republican members of Congress’s annual policy and strategy retreat. She spoke to the New York Post — the paper that first reported the laptop story in October of 2020 and suffered historic censorship of a major American media source — about her party’s plans to address Biden family corruption during the next Congressional session. “We will subpoena Hunter Biden,” Stefanik promised. Referring to the identity of “the big guy,” she said:

“That’s one of the critical questions — perhaps the most critical question,” said Stefanik, adding that she believes “the big guy” was Joe Biden. Tony Bobulinski, another Hunter Biden business partner who appeared frequently in hard-drive emails, has said there is “no question” President Biden was “the big guy.”

If confirmed, it would tie the president concretely to the web of shady foreign business ventures his son finagled over the last decade.

“The American people absolutely deserve answers,” Stefanik said. “There is no greater ethical concern or frankly conspiracy … whether this president is compromised because of his illegal ties to his family members.”

Stefanik noted that a “Senate report found that a firm linked to Hunter Biden got $3.5 million from a Russian billionaire who has yet to face US sanctions for Putin’s genocide in Ukraine. Why were they left off Joe Biden’s sanction list?” She is pumped and primed to dig into the apparent conflict of interest and possible compromise and criminality of the Biden family and its associates, and vows that “the subpoenas will rain down if they do not turn over documents and answers [to] our questions.”

At the policy retreat, GOP members are learning how to carry out “lethal oversight,” Stefanik told the Post. “We are already preparing document requests and investigations of numerous federal agencies and individuals” she said, and promised to begin the badly needed investigations on “Day one.” This is music to America’s ears.

What about the unprecedented collusion to kill the story, depriving voters of critical information during a national election? Will anyone be held to account for that? The Hill is reporting that Rep. Darrell Issa is all over it:

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is spearheading an effort to investigate 2020 censorship and suppression of news coverage about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop …

Issa on Wednesday sent record and document preservation requests to several tech company executives, former intelligence officials and top White House aides relating to the initial story in the New York Post about the laptop contents belonging to President Biden’s son. …

“Big Tech will resist accountability like it always does — but we are more determined than ever to make certain that we get the truth of the collusion that we know occurred,” Issa said in a statement to The Hill. “We should carry with us an obligation to see this through.”

The Hill claims there were “widespread concerns about the authenticity of the contents and how they were obtained” in October of 2020, but that sad attempt at ass-covering won’t fly; right-leaning media had more evidence authenticating the laptop than the FBI ever presented for the disgraceful Steele dossier that was flogged by the media and justice department alike.

Issa’s preservation requests have been sent to Big Tech honchos like Twitter’s then-CEO Jack Dorsey and current CEO Parag Agrawal, and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and communications director Andy Stone; intelligence officials who publicly cast doubt on the laptop’s contents, including former CIA directors Michael Hayden, John Brennan and Leon Panetta, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; and Democrat apparatchiks who were working on Biden’s 2020 campaign such as White House chief of staff Ron Klain and press secretary Jen Psaki.

“Material investigation is essential for Congress to conduct a comprehensive fact-finding investigation into actions by technology companies, media organization and political allies to suppress information and prevent public awareness of matters involving the Biden Family,” Issa wrote in his request letters, reports The Hill.

While I doubt hardened political criminals and frauds will preserve anything the Republicans want them to (Hillary’s emails, anyone?), this time there are witnesses like Tony Bobulinski who have already come forward and, of course, the contents of the laptop itself. And in just over ten months, barring anything unpredictable and extraordinary happening, the games will commence on Capitol Hill.

Source: PJ Media

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