For the past two years now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has aggressively lectured us about wearing masks, social distancing, vaccination, and even boosters.

We’re told repeatedly that “the science” says masks work, that the virus can’t travel more than six feet or while you’re eating food, that the vaccines are completely safe, etc.

As of right now, they’re recommending boosters every few months until the end of the world.

But while the CDC officially recommends all of us to get jabbed for eternity, as of April 12, there are nearly 400 employees at the CDC who have refused to get vaccinated. According to a report from the Epoch Times, 382 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated. Another nine have only had one dose of Pfizer or Moderna, meaning they’re technically not “fully vaccinated.” These unvaxxed employees account for 3.2% of the CDC’s workforce.

Okay, one could argue that a 96.8% vaccination rate is pretty darn high—and sure it is—but this is the CDC we’re talking about here. These people are (in theory) experts in the field and have access to more information than most … so why doesn’t the CDC have 100% vaccination?

Curious, isn’t it?

Source: PJ Media

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