Mary Lemanski, the Illinois Democrat who claimed that the vehicle attack by career criminal Darrell Brooks in Waukesha, Wisc. was “karma” for Wisconsin residents after the Rittenhouse verdict has resigned her post, according to the DuPage County Democratic Party.

Lemanski referred to her remarks as “free speech” on her Facebook page.

Lemanski’s Twitter account has been deleted, but the internet, as we all know, is forever. Her “karma” comment wasn’t the only offense against human decency that she posted following the attack in Waukesha.

“It was probably just self-defense,” with the hashtags “Wisconsin” and “KyleRittenhouse” was one of her mocking tweets.

“I’m sure he didn’t want to hurt anyone,” she added. “He came to help people,” echoing testimony in support of Mr. Rittenhouse during the trial.

The supposed member of the world-famous Second City comedy troupe forfeited her right to be called “human” when she tweeted, “The blood of Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims is on the hands of Wisconsin citizens ‘even the children.’”

Chicago Sun-Times:

“Living in Wisconsin, he probably felt threatened,” Lemanski tweeted about the SUV driver.

The tweets, which have since been deleted, were a mocking reference to the defense strategy used by Rittenhouse, who was acquitted Friday of homicide after killing two men and wounding a third during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha last year.

In later posts Lemanski expressed sorrow over Sunday’s tragedy in Waukesha, Wis.

“I’m sad,” she said. “I’m sad anytime anyone dies.”

“I just believe in Karma and this came around quick on the citizens of Wisconsin.’

She also tweeted: “You reap what you sow, Wisconsin.”

The Waukesha attack appears to have brought out the radical left crazies who had been hiding under rocks.

The police are saying that there’s no evidence of a racial attack, but given the rhetoric being used to describe Rittenhouse and “white supremacists,” the attack wasn’t surprising.

Source: PJ Media

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